Title: Not How It Was Supposed To be
Featuring: Alceo Dentari
Date: 11/21/2012
Location: Brooklyn, New York

It wasn’t supposed to be like this.

“Defiance Three Point Oh...”

For the last year this was supposed to be the grandest event in history, for this was supposed to be the long awaited unveiling of the newly crowned Master of Wrestling. Like the fall of the Berlin wall, the assassination of JFK, or hearing of the tragic events of 9/11, everyone would remember where they were the first time the Master of Wrestling spoke.

“A chance to wipe the slate clean, start afresh, a new beginning...” The miniature mafiosa said with a shake of his head and a crack of his knuckles. A wry smile spread across his thin lips as he continued “But I’m sure I don’t hafta tell yous there ain’t no water passin’ under this bridge, an’ there ain’t no bygones in my neck a’ the woods.”

No, It definitely wasn’t supposed to be like this.

“I should be standin’ here tellin’ each an’ every one a’ yous how I did exactly what I set out to do an’ became the master a’ wrestlin’.” He continued, not even attempting to hide the disappointment in his voice, “Instead what I got?”

For those of you new to these parts, allow me to introduce Alceo Dentari, the man that should have been the Master of Wrestling.

That’s pretty much all that matters.

Dentari paused and looked side to side at the two mountains of man flanking him. One of them, the larger (read: fatter) of the two shrugged as though he didn’t know the answer to the question. The other opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off almost immediately by Dentari turning back to the camera and shouting, “I’ll tell yous what I got! I got screwed by Heidi Christenson, Yoshikazu SCOTT, an’ Ronnie the Raptor...”

“The whole world saw it, clear as day, my foot was on that bottom rope when Mark Shields’ hand hit the mat for the three. That bell shouldn’t a’ rung an’ that match shoulda continued.” Dentari said as he backhanded one of the mountains gently before gesturing towards the other, “You saw it, he saw it, Heidi Christenson saw it, Mark Shields saw it...”

“But what happened was almost the polar opposite a’ that.” He continued through gritted teeth, “That bell went ringadingding an’ Heidi’s undeserved hand was raised like she hadn’t just had one hundred an’ fifty pounds a crap kicked outta her. That match didn’t restart despite Mark Shields seein’ my foot across the rope in the replay!”

Dentari took a moment to compose himself. A couple of deep breaths did the trick and he continued..

“I can’t blame my boys for seein’ red. An’ if you ask me, Heidi got exactly what she deserved after screwin’ me outta my rightful place in the final.” Dentari said, “But that had to happen, didn’t it Heidi? You couldn’t have me makin’ it to the final could you? ‘Cause I’da won that match hands down, and scuppered your man’s plans to usurp power over Defiance. “

“I was a necessary casualty, weren’t I?” He asked, “A roadblock on Jeff Andrews’ highway to the hot seat. So yous guys had to do whatever you could get ‘round me.”

““Well there ain’t gonna be no gettin’ ‘round me this time, Heidi.” Dentari said with a shake of his head. "I hope I get lucky in that lottery. An’ I ain’t talkin’ about gettin’ no late number, ‘cause I’ll win the whole damn thing from number one if I hafta.”

“No, lucky for me is gettin’ a number right next to yours.” He said, “All so as I can bury my foot in the back a’ your head one more time. An’ as your body goes limp, an’ your eyes roll back in your skull, I’ll prove to the world that you weren’t worthy or deservin’ a’ that place in the final.”

“‘Cause a’ you, I lost my first chance to prove to the world that I am unequivocally better than every last one a’ yous in the back. Do yous really think I’m...” Dentari paused and looked over his shoulders before correcting himself “We’re gonna let this one go about the same?”


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"Hey... Eye's up here!"

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