Title: Prestonia Jefferson Investments
Featuring: Jane Katze
Date: 1/11/13
Location: The White Manor

"If memory serves me correct..."

[Jane Katze hung over the side of a leather couch, lazily reaching for a high ball glass with watered down scotch from the ice. All she had to do was sit up properly and she could reach the glass that sat on the corner table.]

[But with her yoga pants on, she didn't feel much like moving, let alone cutting a promo.]

"My last official match, barring my public exhibition and embarrassment of Jimmy Kort, was some three years ago..."

[Reluctantly, she sits up straight and grabs the glass, taking a sip.]

"I was then wrestling for Silver State Battleground, a rag tag promotion that held their matches on the top story of a parking lot, in the empty spaces of malls and large vacant lots made abundant by foreclosures.

"It was amateur hour; a breeding ground for mediocrity, a celebration in lack of talent and a cesspool of drugs and alcohol. What else do you expect from Las Vegas? And what do you expect from the downtown strip?

"I digress, three years ago, I wrestled what I thought would be my last match, ever.

"I was up against Boston Bancroft, it wasn't a heavyweight championship bout, I don't think I was every really given a shot at that title. I think it was during, Baiorensu Jisatsu, some hype show to allow for blood transfusions amongst competitors. I don't exactly recall."

[She looks down at the glass, the melting ice, the etching on the bottom of it. The scotch was all gone but it had given her a bit of courage.]

"To be honest, a lot of it I don't exactly recall. During my time in Vegas, traveling between International Influence and whatever other WWA Alliance federation would have me I succumbed to drug and alcohol. I kept it quiet. Hell, I don't think anyone knew. Or at least no one said anything.

"I'm pretty sure I lost to Boston Bancroft."

[Jane puts the high ball back on to the table, looking forward.]

"I had no motivation to keep wrestling, so, I spent a good year after that coasting on my former reputation, scoring whatever I could find. At first I would only swear by cocaine, slowly I delved into prescription drugs and whatever else anyone who pass my way.

"And then that well dried up."

[She pauses but remains stoic.]

"So, I went back home to Florida. I said hello to my mom, my dad and cried to myself in my old room. Just as I had left it when I left to study abroad in Europe. Everything the same. The same comforter, the same lamps, it's like I had never left. The hangers were even the same.

"It's like they knew that I'd come back."

[She shakes her head, abandoning nostalgia.]

"Fast Forward to the current day, three years later.

"I now work for Prestonia Jefferson Investments. Those three words don't mean much to any or all of you. But it should. While Kai Scott is revered as a great tactical genius in the ring, an excellent manager of fighters and a stunning manipulator of emotions, the man I work for in the realm of Finances and Investments has more to offer than that.

"I've never had the honor of being in a match, let alone priviledged enough to be in the same promotion with Kai Scott. OLW was one of the few federations that I never visited during my stint with World Wrestling Alliance.

"Kai Scott, you're microeconomics. You're important, it would be foolish to say otherwise. But your localized, your science only applies in areas where you stick your fingers in. And a puppet master you are."

[Jane cracks her neck, stretching out her body a little bit.]

[She smiles a bit as she goes to speak.]

"But my boss, he's macroeconomics. He's everywhere. And I'm reminded of this every day I go to the office. Every day I see our investments grow and swell while others lose and shrink.

"And it's based off of the same things you hold dear to your overarching strategy. Play on their emotions. The market place, the economy, how we buy and spend -- it's all driven by emotion. When I had my first rail of coke, I guarantee you, I didn't think about what this was going to do to my body, how many months or years it might take off of my life, I was chasing something that wasn't there. I was chasing an emotion."

[Jane stares straight ahead.]

"Within the few months that I have worked with Edward White, I've seen him personally evict families from foreclosures, terminate employees who abused the system and shut out competitors from the market place. I've helped, but he's assured proper investments growth, real results to people who have trusted him.

"You're in the human capita business Kai, your investments aren't conventionally tangible. Your protege Claira St. Sure, she might have made it to the finals of the Masters of Wrestling tournament, but what is that really worth?

"The ambush and upheaval of Eric Dane from this company, what is that worth?

"These aren't hypothetical questions either."

[She breaks her stare, averting her eyes from the camera with a coy smile.]

"Diane Parker once said that you would rape Edward White's soul."

[Jane giggles softly and speaks, casually.]

"I suppose you have your chance now."

[She looks back towards the camera, coy smile still intact.]

"But I'm sure that we have other plans for that evening."

More Propaganda | View Jane Katze's Biography




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