Title: Assets
Featuring: Kai Scott
Date: 1/14/13
Location: I don't fucking care

“I’ve always believed that craftsmen, regardless of what particular craft they ply or where they ply it, have an instinctive understanding of each other.  Not necessarily the crafts that others practice, but more, the mental discipline that goes into perfecting a craft, and the thought processes that are used to perfect.”

[Enter Kai Scott.]

“Edward White. I know that the words I’m responding to were spoken by Jane Katze, but they were inspired by you.  And so, I prefer to speak directly to you.”

[The man they call the Ace of Heels is not bothering with a crutch or a wheelchair today.  He stands, clad in black slacks and a navy blue muscle shirt, his black trenchcoat folded and draped over his right shoulder.]

“You may not believe this, but this… puppetmastery, if you must call it so, that I ply – it was not my original idea.  When I first abandoned my happy-go-lucky class clown stylings in mid 2001, I had it only in mind to be what a clown wasn’t  Violent, angry, vicious, and adamant in my refusal to give a shit about anything.”

“Somehow, it never stuck.”

“I drifted back to the same group of people who I had united solely by my willingness to humiliate myself so the group could laugh, and I might have languished there indefinitely, or at least, until I couldn’t stomach professional wrestling anymore.”

[Kai slowly smooths his blonde hair back.  He’s grown it out, just a bit but enough to show for now.]

“It wasn’t until a woman named Dawn Barr came to me with plans of treachery and betrayal that also involved me – if I may be crass, briefly – getting to have sex with her if I cooperated, that I realized there was more to work with than just anger or self-righteousness.  Dawn’s methodology of manipulation was crude.  It mostly revolved around her breasts, though to her credit they were fine breasts indeed.  I was young, angry, frustrated in every meaning of the word.  I was an easy mark.”

“But she accomplished things.  With nothing but ham-handed psychology straight out of community college and cleavage, she earned herself a one-third share of a wrestling promotion that revolved around these three shares and everyone fighting over them.”

“Dawn and I didn’t last.  Last I heard, she was still with Cole Christenson.  Remember him?  One of the Truly Untouchables in Def 1.0?  If anyone does, it would be you, because men like us, Edward, we keep track of these things.”

“The point is, I learned from Dawn how well working with people works.  By the end of 2003, I had single-handedly demolished an interfed stable seeking dominance of the Coalition of Affiliated Leagues from the inside.  Then, since I hated the Coalition with all my heart, I forced the removal of the federation I was currently in from that interfed.”

“And since then, I have never lost a feud.”

[Kai smiles.]

“That’s the difference between people like you and me, Edward, and like Jeff Andrews.  Jeff’s much smarter than the av-er-age redneck.  He actually understands what you do.  I’ve heard, and been quite entertained, by the back and forth between the two of you.  But he’s too impatient to do it himself, and he likes what he’s already doing.  So instead he thinks up reasons to look down on it, to dismiss it, and then he does just that.  Jeff managed to turn a profit on the independent wrestling scene, but if it weren’t for Eric Dane he’d still be there.”

“Whereas I say things like ‘Well Jeff, if Eric isn’t doing his job right, why don’t you fire him?’.  And when he says he can’t because he’s not the boss, I say ‘That’s no excuse’.”

“And before you ask, Jeff Andrews isn’t a puppet.  He’s got a sixth sense for knowing when someone’s got fingers on his back, if he ever even thought I was trying to manipulate him, he’d take my head off.  I know this from experience.  He is, however, an asset to me.”

[He stops speaking, looks at the back of his hand, then adjusts the trench coat draped over his shoulder.]

“And Edward, Jane may be a bit like him.”

“Being that people are not a resource that can be calculated to an exact value in dollars and cents, she dismisses them as a worthwhile resource.”

“Jane, if I may address you directly.”

“Claira St. Sure, while under my management, went from a complete unknown to the second highest ranking wrestler in the promotion.  Assuming I want to continue my career as a manager after The Untouchables run their course, that is an asset I can utilize for advertising.  Compare what she was before I worked with her, to what she is now.”

“There are less traditional ways to utilize people as assets, too.  Remember Jonny Booya?  He started out the Grand Champions League excellent, one of the winners.  Without my guidance, he slumped.  When he decided to leave my tutelage entirely, rather than using that to his advantage he… vanished.”

“What I provide is the difference between what Claira and Jonny became.”

“As for people who don’t get on board at all, they end up like Cole.”

More Propaganda | View Kai Scott's Biography



"I now have an asterisk in the record book. I don’t know about you, but I HATE asterisks. I didn’t sign my name on the dotted line here in DEFIANCE to squeak out cheap wins. I sure as hell didn’t come here for Stalker to do my dirty work for me."

- "Black Out" Pat Cassidy




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