Title: I defy
Featuring: Kai Scott
Date: 2/23/13
Location: -


“I’m glad to see you back.”

[Enter the Ace of Heels.]

[Kai Scott has chosen to wear a crimson red muscle shirt today, to accompany the black slacks and black trench coat, and he’s still got his silver crutch tucked under his right arm.]

“Things have changed a lot since you were gone.  I know, and I know you know I know.  Two years is an eternity in this crazy world we call professional wrestling.  To be here in the first place after all that is nothing short of defying fate.”


“Great word, isn’t it?”

“During my own time off, as a wrestling fan, I liked to watch you.  I liked to watch you step up onto that top turnbuckle and defy gravity itself, flipping and spinning and landing like a homing missile.  Gravity, fate, time, what don’t you defy? I have a pretty good memory, I remember your Crystal Dreams Match you used to get into back in the CAL days, CSWA.  Sheets of plate glass, and you raised your finger up and defied the Gods themselves.”

“You dragged yourself backstage a couple times leaving a trail of blood.”

“But you never severed an artery.  Never had the glass break wrong and go through your eye socket.”

“You defied.”

“But Python, lemme tell you a little something about defying.”

“I’m not trying to delegitimize anything you’ve ever done.  I’m as happy as anyone besides probably Jeff to hear people talk about Old Line.  But you’ve known me as long as I’ve known you.”

“You know my knee’s made out of, who was it said, silicon rods and malice?”

“I made a deal with my own destiny, Python, and every time I step into the ring I’m defying myself.”

“When Eric Dane decided it was time for the World Wrestling Alliance to die, Ronnie Long stepped right up to him and said ‘Then try to close it.  I defy you.’ And even if he didn’t save the Alliance, he took the World Title from the Failsnake, humiliated Dane, humiliated Jeff, humiliated everyone who expected the Alliance to crumple and die, and he defied.”

“As for Heidi?”

“You speak so glibly of how you miss the days when she wasn’t, and I quote, a lunatic.  I don’t suppose you bothered to find out?  Look man… no matter what Mike Sloan’s knee says, Heidi’s the best person here, she’s gonna make it to Heaven if any of us do.  But the Defiance fans, for what ever reason, don’t like her when she’s being nice.  They want her to be the evil bitch-princess.  And she says ‘Fine, you want that? You think I can’t handle Defiance? Watch me snap a dude’s knee.  I defy all of you.’”

“And Jeff? Only he knows all the things he has to defy just to take air into his lungs.  He’s not as good a person as Heidi – he’s a wrestling promoter, he’s a fraud and a charlatan by definition, but he does that thankless job while people spit hashtags at him on Twitter and try to tear his house down and he says…”


“He says ‘I defy you.’”

“The only thing you had to say that I could take exception to, Python, is when you talked about me being a chessmaster.”

“Did you know I’m not very good at chess?”

“I’m alright, but just… alright.  I undervalue bishops pretty badly, and I’m no good at developing my rooks before my pawn line gets eaten up.  And I’ve never even learned to play backgammon.  With the exception of liars dice, I can’t really play any of those games.”

“That’s why they invented the metagame.”

“And so, if we’re playing chess, and someone’s dissecting me with their bishops because I didn’t take those seriously, and my rooks are blocked in, and I flip over the chessboard… it doesn’t matter.”

“I wasn’t playing chess, anyway.”

“I was just playing.”

“And I may be a broken down coward standing in a mess after the board gets upended, Python, but I’m a broken down coward standing in a mess… holding the gun I had stashed under the playing table the whole time.”

[Kai raises his crutch to shoulder level, points it and looks down the ‘barrell’.]

“C-click.  Bang.”

“I win.”

“And Python, that’s the reason I outlasted Mr. Dude, and Dawn, and Sam Carnage, and Angelina Bishop, and Anthony Palladino, and Chance Wolfington, and Eric Dane, and everyone else.”

“Because whenever someone tells me the rules of the game, and dares me to do my best, I just laugh and say.”

“I defy you.”


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"He just threw himself at a dude. Not impressed."

- The D




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