Title: A Day At The Races
Featuring: Alceo Dentari
Date: 06/26/12
Location: Bensalem, Pennsylvania

We’re at Parx Racing and Casino in Bensalem, Pennsylvania . Obviously that’s a casino and racetrack for those uneducated in the field of horse racing. But why head all the way out there? Simple, because the aqueduct closed last month and Saratoga doesn't open 'til next.

“50 bucks, Trifecta, 2-6-1 in the second.”

On the big screen up above the parade trots by, sure they’re perched upon horses, but the jockeys still look possitively minute. And speaking of... ok, better not use that segue. Alceo Dentari, Evolution League’s leader, turns away from the clerk behind the desk, who mutters ‘good luck’ in a slightly sarcastic manner. Dentari plays little attention to him though and heads off to find a good vantage point to watch the upcoming race.

“There’s a reason them Brits dubbed horse racin’ the ‘sport a’ kings.’” Alceo said, watching the big screen as opposed to looking at the cameraman filming his every move. He paused momentarily before relenting and fixing his gaze down the lens of the Defiance owned audio visual equipment, “What, not good enough? Not what yous was lookin’ for? What do you want me to say? ‘Hey, Jonny, commiserations on that hard fought loss’? ‘Better luck next time, ol’ buddy, ol’ pal’? ‘We shoulda gone out for a beer after, you know, bury the hatchet’? Unless I’m burryin’ that hatchet in the back a’ Booya’s skull... Sorry, ain’t gonna happen.”

His eyes flicked back and forth between the camera and the big screen, he had to make sure he didn’t miss the off.

“Know why?” He continued, still dividing his attention between audience and horses, “‘Cause I went out there last week an’ I lived up to my word. I showed the whole world that that two bit piece a’ crap don’t belong in my ring when I kicked his head offa his shoulders an’ I pinned him in the middle a’ that ring one two three, just like I said I would.”

Alceo lifted three fingers into the air and shook them ever so slightly. He grinned before adding, “An’ I know I ain’t exactly one ta blow my own trumpet, but... Toot, freakin’ Toot. I did it after witnessin’ one a’ my associates, Yoshikazu YAZ, get powerbombed through the ramp by that hopped up ape, Dan Ryan.”

“Was Ryan fired? No.” He asked, shaking his head. Zoom in slightly. “Was Ryan even punished? NONO! Meanwhile I get threatened with termination for tryin’ to make Elijah Goldman’s job easier by advisin’ him just a little bit. Yeah, makes sense.”

Dentari took a couple of deep, drawn out breaths in an attempt to calm himself down, it seemed to work as he reminded everyone watching, “But YAZ is a tough cookie, so anyone that wants to go about speculatin’ whether he’ll be around for a while should probably go check out the latest news over on Defiance’s web site.”

“So, anyways, where does Alceo Dentari go after drivin’ a clown into the ground like a lawn dart?” H asked before answering the question himself, “Two clowns. That’s where.”

“On Evolution TV oh Seven the world gets to see just why Alceo Dentari an’ Yoshikazu YAZ have these targets painted on our backs.” He said, guesting towards his shoulder blades, “They get ta see why we’re the ones on top a’ this league when we beat seven shades a' shit outta Rich Mahogany an’ Pete Whealdon.”

Managing to pull his eyes away from the big screen long enough, Alceo fixed his gaze down the lens, clearly to talkdirectly to his next opponents, “This place aint for the weak, boys. Remember that. An’ I hate ta be the bearer a’ bad news, I really do. But I’m terribly sorry ta hafta inform yous... Yous guys ain’t got no chances a’ stoppin them losin’ streaks yous got goin’ on there. We’re on a role, YAZ an’ me. An’ ain’t no half cocked, punchline team gonna stop us. Capiche?”

He shruged sympathetically... although that sympathy is probably less sincere than the invitation extended to Jonny Booya moments ago.

“‘Cause now we got our noses out in front, we gonna break away from the pack. An’ we gonna leave yous two stragglers as nothin’ but specks in our dust.” He said, looking back at the big screen just in time to see the off. “Last week, against Kiri an’ Sloan, yous boys took a tumble at the first hurdle. This week, we gonna see if yous guys can get back up on the horse or not.”

A sideways glance back at the camera.

“An’ we all know what’s the kindest thing to do to those who fall and can’t get up.”

Alceo pressed his index and middle fingertips into his temple and extended his thumb upwards before bringing it down to meet the other digits. A sick grin spread across his lips as he stepped away from the camera and headed, nonchalantly, back to the desk from whence he came. Up on the big screen number two crossed the line first, and, almost as though it were designed that way, six and one came in not long after. Dentari turned back to the camera, still walking backwards though, he spread his arms wide and called out.

“Ain’t that a kick in the head.”

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"You stay in my face jes one second longer, and Ah'm gonna powerbomb you straight through the fourth fuckin' wall."

- Jonny Booya




1. Malak Garland
2. Ned Reform
3. Tyler Fuse
4. Corvo Alpha
5. Brock Newbludd


2. Los Tres Titanes
3. Lucky Sevens
4. PCP
5. RCR


1. Kazuhiro Troy
2. Nick Lotto Otto
3. Punch Drunk Purcell
4. Archer Silver
5. BIGBOSS Batts