Title: The Haves and the Have-Nots
Featuring: Team HOSS
Date: 10-30-13
Location: Unnamed gym facility



Scrambly scratchy background noise. 


“Angel, will you hold the damn thing up?”


The camera perks upwards slowly.  When the focus is finally adjusted, the camera is tuned solely on The Voice of Team HOSS himself, Junior Keeling. A little more fidgeting behind the camera makes Junior a little angry.


“Angel, you got it?”


“Yep!  Let’s talk some smack!  Talk about their moms! Get in a line about how we’re gonna break those fuckers worse than the Obamacare website!”


“Don’t worry, Angel, I’ll take this from here, kay? And Holiday already made that joke.”



The scene gets uncomfortable for just a moment before Junior clears his throat.  He sticks a finger in his ear and starts digging around like he’s trying to get something out.


“So… apparently... certain individuals within DEFIANCE suffer from some kind of mass onset hearing loss.  See, that’s what I thought at least.  No matter how much you repeat yourself ad nausem about how staying out of our way is conducive to good health, certain people just don’t want to hear it.”


Junior then snaps his fingers like a light has gone off in his head.  


“But then I realized it’s not so much that people can’t listen… it’s that they WON’T.  And quite frankly, that’s a shame.  See, I do want The Hostile Order of Strong  Soldiers to succeed.  To be blunt I don’t care who they stomp because the other members of this roster aren’t wrestlers… they’re obstacles.  But I’m not a completely heartless person.  People need to be aware that the storm of pure fucking awesome is coming their way before it hits them….”




Junior clears his throat.


“Thank you, Angel.”


“Anytime, bossman!”


Pressing on, Junior continues his train of thought.  “Anyhow, as a businessman first, I like to at least give people a sporting chance to get out of the way before the storm arrives. 


“But what annoys me is that certain individuals have repeatedly ignored warnings for reasons that have become more obvious to me now. 


“Are they crazy?  One of them is. 


“Do they want to make a name for themselves?  That’s a possibility.


“Does it bug them knowing that they’ve never been successful on a major stage?   I can see that.”


The smile on the face of the Voice of Team HOSS continues to widen.


“But I know what this is!  It’s a battle of the haves and the have-nots.  Frank, Jimmie and Diego all want to get noticed! They’re attention-starved little children picking fights with the biggest dogs in the yard to look like they’re cool, but in reality they don’t realize that they’re in over their heads.  They WISH they could have somebody with my money, resources, and track record of grooming champions like me guiding them.  When they can’t, they try to ape my team’s tactics and fail miserably.  Case in point… DEFIANCE’s last show.  They thought they could outnumber us, but Team HOSS proved that not only can we overpower, but we can outthink the competition, too.  We divided those idiots and Aleczander CONQUERED Jimmie Rix.”


Keeling motioned for the camera and it panned over to his side. The gruff veteran Capital Punishment is hard at work pounding a speed bag to keep in shape.


“Rix, I know that you’ve been around a long time, but even your fifteen years is nothing compared to my two and a half decades of Capital Punishment dominating the sport at the highest levels!  HALL OF FAME CALIBUR.  Where’s your ring at, huh?  Your world titles?  Oh, wait… you have NONE of those things!  Cappy is everything you’re not.  He put in his time.  He’s a name.  But more importantly than that, unlike you he’s still relevant.”


“Not at all,” Cappy says flatly before going back to the bags.   Junior keeps walking where Aleczander is working the weights to keep his physique in tip-top form.


“Hey mates!  How’s your back, Jimmie?” Aleczander cackles as he continues his training regimen.”


“I’m sure he’s okay… ish,” Junior smirks.  “Frankie, you’re strong.  REAL strong.  You’re not my boy, Aleczander, but you’re up there.  And I’ll give you credit where credit is due.  You beat Chance Von Crank when nobody gave you a chance in fucking hell and you should be proud.  Any other day, I would’ve been more than happy to have you on my team, but… you had to go and be YOU… Some derelict who rattled his brains jumping out of one too many speeding vehicles.  News flash… this isn’t a movie and you ARE going to get hurt for real, asshole. Aleczander here? A major television star before he crossed over into wrestling.  And he didn’t have to reduce his brain matter into mush to do it!”


The Voice of Team HOSS continues his tirade.


“Oh, I haven’t forgotten about you either, Diego… you want to stand out.  Be noticed.  Get famous.  Pal around with people higher on the pecking order than you…  I mean, Holiday, his little butt-buddy Pepper and Rix aren’t THAT much higher, but they’ve stood out more than you.  My boy Angel Trinidad doesn’t need to do that.  He already has that.  He goes out there and gets noticed because he’s a star in the making!  Two and a half years in this business and he’s already held gold in a major organization.  He’ll only get better with time.  Can anybody say the same of you?”


The camera turns around to face up at Angel Trinidad’s bearded mug.  The Rookie Monster waves a not-so-friendly hello.


“I like your mask… I mean, it’s not gonna look that great when I rip it off your face and beat you retarded, but… it looks cool!”


Back to Junior.


“See… my guys are better than you in every way.  Individually.  As a collective.  As stars in this business.  As future rulers of DEFIANCE starting with its Trios division and beyond. I see you three for what you really are… envious little pricks.  You want what we have.  You see my boys, you want what they have, and you can’t have it so you lash out like children. Well, Frankie and Diego, despite my overwhelming urge not to indulge you, you’ll get your wish.  I went to Eric Dane after the show and that’s why this match is gonna happen on the next Guerilla Grindhouse show… Cappy and Angel are going to finish what Aleczander started and take you both the fuck out for GOOD.” 


Keeling poses one final thought for the camera. 


“Remember that YOU wanted this.  We told you to get out of the path of the storm and all you idiots want to do is puff up your chests and hunker down.  Well, don’t say we didn’t warn you. “







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"It took you twelve seconds to get to me. That’s eleven seconds too long."

- The D




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