Title: Does Not Equal
Featuring: Alceo Dentari
Date: 07/24/12
Location: Brooklyn, New York

“Is this a joke?”

“No, seriously, is this an actual joke?”

Alceo Dentari sat in what could accurately be described as a relaxed state in his high backed, red velvet chair. He leant on one of the the dark wooden armrest as he spoke to somebody behind the camera with an incredulous look upon his face. The only response he received, however, was a confused mumble.

“Me an’ YAZ in the ring at the same time against that country bumpkin, Sam Turner Jr.?” He asked to clarify the situation. A mumble that sounded like confirmation came from behind the camera again leading to Alceo chuckling to himself.

He shook his head and laughed again as he sat back in his chair a little lackadaisically and stretched his right shoulder, then his left. Alceo rolled his eyes and leant forwards, resting his elbows on his knees and letting his hands droop in front of him. He didn’t say a word unless you count smacking one’s lips together as a sentence.

“Fine,” He finally relented, “I guess if that’s what’s gonna happen at Evolution eight then Goldman, you’d better be aware that yous gonna hafta start lookin’ for another one a’ your roster ta replace that farmboy, an’ pronto. ‘Cause If yous think for one second that Alceo Dentari an’ Yoshikazu YAZ is gonna go lightly on him just ‘cause he’s on the Evolution WarGames team, eh, fuggedaboutit.”

A look of seriousness appeared in Alceo’s eyes momentarily before being cracked by an uncharacteristic, genuine, smile.

“Now YAZ I ain’t got a problem with, ‘cause he knows his place. He knows that Alceo Dentari is headed for the promised land. He, just like everyone else, knows Alceo Dentari is destined ta be the winner a’ Evolution.” Alceo said as he leant back in his chair and let his arms hang over their rests, “Just as I been sayin’ since week one.”

Alceo slumped ever deeper into his chair and tilted his head back. He closed his eyes and continued talking towards the ceiling, “An’ YAZ knows that as long as that top spot reads as yours truly, that he can find his right there at number 2.” Alceo held up his right hand to display two digits,  “An’ when this league ends, an’ we’re through ta them playoffs, Evolution’s numbers one an’ two are gonna be headed to that there final ta face whatever clapped out has been they manage ta pluck from Heritage.”

Before he could drift off to sleep Alceo opened his eyes and rolled his head forwards once more to look at the camera, he shot forth a look of ‘that’s the way it is’ before heaving himself back up into a more presentable posture.

“An’ that, Sammy boy, is why yous is outta your depth.” He said, “What makes yous think yous deserve ta stand shoulder ta shoulder with not only Evolution’s, but Defiance’s finest?”

Alceo pretended to hear a voice that was never there and nodded along to it, “Oh, yous beat Dragon Jones, did ya?” He asked in mock impression with raised eyebrows. “Congratu-freakin’-lations. Why don’tcha head on over ta London, I’m sure the wrestlin’ squad would overlook the fact that yous nothin’ more than a two hundred an’ fifty pound bag a’ walkin’ horse crap if yous can lay claim ta havin’ put down ‘The First’ Dragon Jones.”

Alceo clapped his hands together three times, making sure to leave plenty of time between each clap, “Hell, I’m sure each an’ every nation would positively crumble at the mere thought a’ havin ta wrestle someone that can boast that accolade!” He added, each and every word became progressively louder as it left his mouth until he was practically screaming on the last one.

“Yous waltz in on my league!” He shouted as he poked himself harshly in the chest with two fingers, “Pin a couple a’ bottom feeders, an’ then expect me ta look upon yous the same as my boy, YAZ?” Alceo asked, positively offended by the preposterousness of such a notion,

“Yous expect me ta treat yous as equal in mere weeks when we step into that WarGames match?” He asked shaking his head, “If yous can come ta me an’ tell me that yous beat Heidi Christenson an’ Bronson Box so bad that they wanted ta switch shows then maybe I’ll look at yous different. But until that day comes, Sammy, yous ain’t got no chance a’ changin’ my mind.

Alceo leaned back into his chair once more before adding his final nail, “Cause’ at Evolution Eight, YAZ an’ me, we’re gonna prove ta the world that yous can spend all the time in the world doin’ whatever it is you do ta them animals down on your paws farm, you still ain’t got no place sharin’ the ring with us, either as an opponent or a partner.”

“Now ain’t that a kick in the head.”

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"Now… close your eyes! If you don’t mind, that is. Just imagine, for a moment, the sort of narcissistic, insecure, intravenously gaslit personality it takes for championships, accolades, and fan praise to simply not be enough for someone."

- Arthur Pleasant




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