Title: Get Out
Featuring: Perfection
Date: 9/28/2020
Location: Hidden Hills, California

Hidden Hills, California
Monday, the Twenty-Eighth of September, Twenty-Twenty
Twenty Minutes Past 10 A.M.

The camera opens up to a lavish living room area where a fireplace booms between two men that sit on each side of it. Each relax in burgundy lounge chairs that sit upon individual bear rugs with the faces of course facing each other and that cover some of the tigerwood flooring.

Lance Warner is looking like a legit reporter for this occasion. Something you’d see on Meet the Press or a Nightly News interview. Full suit, tie, very sharp and very clean.

Across to him on the left side of the shot and fireplace is none other than James ‘Perfection’ Witherhold. It’s no surprise what he is rocking. A grey tailored and custom suit that costs more than a brand new Chevy Spark, probably. Gold silk tie, white dress shirt with pure 24k gold custom cufflinks with his initials. On his suit he rocks a ‘24K’ lapel pin that is, yes, also 24k gold.

Sharp as can be James sits with his leg crossed and professional, which in itself is unusual. The camera makes a quick cut over to Lance to a side front shot of him looking at the camera and past Perfection. He nods at the camera, which has a portion of the lounge chair in the shot, before he talks.

Today I have the opportunity to talk with a man that has been considered one of the most controversial and interesting men in professional wrestling today. He started as a small business entrepreneur gaining his own capital to invest. He would become a venture capitalist, multimillionaire, portfolio consultant, and then later professional wrestler.

Lance smiles before the camera cuts back to the shot with both men.

James, I want to thank you for this opportunity to be with you here in California in which is one of the most beautiful homes I have seen.

Witherhold nods his head.

Lance, when we talked earlier in the study you brought up a great point on how perception molds reality. Take a good look around, my man. I don’t talk the talk- I live it. Your perception of me right now IS reality. This is what you’d love to have. Right? Well. I have it and I am kind enough to share with you.

We cut back to Lance who has the look of “you’re an asshole” as he stares at Witherhold.

Well I appreciate that, James.

Anytime. You’re almost always welcome here whenever you’re tired of the hole in a wall, slug shack you stay in.

Warner’s head tilts a bit to the side like he has no idea of the reference before the camera comes back to the shot behind Perfection.

I can guarantee you I make well enough. Not to this level at all, James, but DEFIANCE does take good care of me and you as well. Let’s touch base on your previous life in business.

Back to the shot between the two men.

According to records you at one point advised Favoured Saints in acquisitions that eventually, years later, would lead to the purchase of DEFIANCE. Some question if there’s a favorability between the ownership group and yourself.

Are you suggesting a conflict of interest?

Some would suggest that. Yes.

An opposite cut this time. Perfection uncrosses his legs and spreads them out. He looks down briefly before making eye contact with Lance. Both hands are pointing right at him with Witherhold’s body erect and ready to address the statement.

Look- I would suggest otherwise, Lance. That was decades ago and such a small deal it was pennies.

Describe pennies.

They're small copper looking coins that are made of zinc. What do you mean “describe pennies”? Have you not seen them or something?

Warner exhales deep. It’s going to be one of those interviews.

Pennies in terms of the deal.

Cut to a smirking Perfection.

Maybe eighty to ninety thousand. It was a four percent earn and was over a decade ago, Lance. Again, compared to now. Pennies. There is no conflict at all except with the notion of your question. Don’t be rude, Lance. You’re just a guest here.

I’m not trying to be rude. Just trying to get real answers, James. So when people say Perfection doesn’t deserve to be in DEFIANCE, how do you respond?

Well, I wouldn't respond, Lance. I wouldn’t respond at all but since you’re asking I will respond. Okay? You look at the talent that I bring with not only my skill in that ring but my aspects of promoting people. Taking them to that level where it’s not only beneficial to us, 24K, but DEFIANCE as well. If we succeed, when we succeed actually, Favoured Saints succeeds. You look at what I've done overall, Lance. There’s a record.

We cut back to the shot of the two.

But that record isn’t with DEFIANCE. 24K has a record, sure, but Cayle Murray, Mikey Unlikely, and even the man that stands opposite of you Kendrix, have DEFIANCE history.

And so do I. This isn’t my first stint here as you know.

But will it be your longest?

Well, this will be your shortest interview if you continue with nasty comments like that, Lance- that I can tell you.

Quick cut to Lance who is giving a sly smirk himself. Complaining about nasty comments is pure irony especially coming from Perfection of all people. We go back to a shot of both men.

Let’s focus on two things, right?

The camera cuts to Perfection.

Cayle Murray and Scott Stevens.

Perfection points his finger at Lance. 


I know every single person in attendance, watching around the world, hell even you, Lance; were so excited to see the “Starbreaker” himself return to the Wrestleplex. Did you know the free wifi in that joint was jammed up from every dope trying to Snapchat his big return to their friends?

I did not.

James now turns all fingers as one open palm point at Lance.

Of course you didn’t because you don’t pay attention to things that matter. In that moment alone, Cayle stole the hearts of everyone. People flocked to the merchandise stand just to check if there were suddenly Cayle Murray shirts ready to go... and they were. In fact, they sold out before the mid-card. Virtually unheard of, Lance. Do you know why? Because marketing one-oh-one, my man.

Back to the middle shot of the two guys.

And later he would break their hearts. How does that fit into your concept of marketing?

Witherhold shakes his head.

Listen, Lance, I’m not going to get into divulging proprietary information on how we target and market. Just know we do and you’re looking at one of the best at it. Believe me, no one is better than James Witherhold at marketing. Show me someone, anyone?


James puts his hand up with a fast cut off before he can mention names.

Exactly. No one. So, do I feel bad about how they felt in that moment when Cayle turned, not one bit. Their feelings don’t get wins, their feelings don’t pay Cayle Murray’s bills. They don’t pay my bills. They sure as hell don’t pay Mikey’s bills. So, all I can tell you is what I know, Lance.

And what’s that?

Back to the shot of Perfection.

“The Starbreaker” is back with the hallmark of DEFIANCE Mikey Unlikely and the World's Greatest Technical Wrestler- BAR NONE, ‘Yours Truly’, Perfection. So, as much as the Unfaithful want to hate it, Lance. As much as some of them even pretend to hate it. I know, deep down, in their heart of hearts- they love us.

Well if you took the last week or two in its entirety it would appear that they love Scott Stevens more than you or 24K for that matter.

James waves that off.

Now listen, I know everyone's all happy Scott ruined one of my suits. I have several, no big deal, but the lack of respect he shows is unacceptable, Lance. The man thinks he can just do whatever he pleases. Run up and grab my suit? Throw nachos at my suit after I give him a free voucher?! Do you even know how much in dry cleaning that was?

We shoot back over to Lance.

Like thirty dollars?

Camera cuts to Witherhold who has the most disgusted look on his face.

I said the dry cleaner not the laundry mat, Lance. Regardless, Scott put his nose where it didn’t belong. He tried to cheat Mikey Unlikely out of The FIST! It’s unbecoming, it’s unacceptable, and…

We go to a shot of the two men again. Witherhold a bit taken back by Warner cutting him off.

I’m sorry, James, I have to stop you there. Scott Stevens cheated Mikey out of The FIST? It was you who conspired with Mikey to cheat and get the win.

Perfection waves his hands and the statement off too.

No, you don’t understand, Lance, and I don’t blame you for being confused. You were born confused.

A shot back at Warner shows he’s not too pleased at that jab. Back to Perfection.

Scott cashed in his Ace in the Hole unannounced the week before the pay-per-view. You think that’s fair? Do you think that’s right?! I don’t think it’s fair. I think it’s cheap, it’s cheating. It’s clearly an unfair advantage, Lance!

That’s the purpose of the belt though.

Witherhold’s face squinches like what he’s just heard is completely ridiculous.

The purpose of the belt is to cheat?!

That’s not what I...

Quickly cut off again by Witherhold.

I know his purpose was to cheat, Lance. I wasn’t born yesterday or in a trailer park like Scott Stevens. So, I evened the odds, Lance. That’s all. Stevens wanted an unfair advantage over an unprepared Mikey Unlikely and I prevented it.

We cut to Warner who looks down at his notes.

Some would suggest that is the job of a champion and especially The FIST. That they be prepared for all challenges.

James takes in a deep breath as we go back to the full shot.

Mikey IS prepared for all challenges, Lance. Again, you aren’t listening to what I am saying just like the schleprocks in New Orleans don’t listen. Pay attention, bud. He’s just not prepared to ACCEPT any challenge. Especially when the odds aren’t square, Lance. Unfortunately he had no choice in that matter at Acts of DEFIANCE. I made the odds square and fair, the end. Move on.

Not wanting or willing to argue semantics Lance moves on.

Sure. So now you are in a situation where Scott Stevens wants retribution for what you did to him. What’s your message to Scott Stevens?

Camera now flips back to the front shot of Witherhold.

Message to Scott Stevens? I don’t have a message for that living pariah. What he wants is attention. No one in that inbred conception of stupid known as the Stevens Dynasty is at the quailty of 24K, Lance. I don’t plan to waste my time with Scott Stevens in the DEFIANCE ring. I’ve moved on and the best shot he got was my tie and a dress shirt. I’m sure that makes the playdough eater feel like he’s really accomplished something and I’m content with it.

Perfection smirks happily with his answer.

Let’s talk about Jessie Frederiks Kendrix for a moment.

That makes Perfection perk up in his chair.

Excuse me?

The camera now cuts back to the Warner who looks down at his notes again and then back up to Witherhold.

I was hoping to catch your thoughts on JFK.

Perfection puts his hand up again to cut off Lance.

Yeah, no. I heard what you said, guy, but what did I say?

I’m sorry?

No, I didn’t say “I’m sorry”. I said there are only TWO things that matter, right? Which were?

We again cut to the shot of both of them.

Cayle Murray and Scott Stevens. However...

Perfection stands up from his chair.

We can’t count or listen, huh? Get out.

Cut fast to a shot of Warner taking his time to close his notes.

I was just…


We are cut to the shot of the front Perfection’s mansion. A paved driveway with some high end Mercedes parked in it and a fountain going off.

Warner (Narrating):
Sadly we were shortly escorted by James ‘Perfection’ Witherhold’s onsite security out of the area and the interview was ended by simply asking about the relationship with Jesse Kendrix.

The front door opens to a small backpack being chucked out to the driveway and Lance follows shortly behind it with James standing at the threshold.

And your almost always welcome invite is void, Lance!

The door slams. Warner is picking up his backpack and trying to navigate his way to exit the property.

Warner (Narrating):
We attempted to reach back out to Perfection hours later but was told by his attorney, Marshall Owens, to not contact James when not in or on the Wrestleplex property unless he reaches out first. We ended all attempts at contact after this warning. From Hidden Hills, California, I’m Lance Warner.


More Propaganda | View Perfection's Biography



"MY ACT of DEFIANCE I'll take the head of the SNAKE!"

- "Sub Pop" Scott Douglas




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