Featuring: Mikey Unlikely
Date: 11/04/2020
Location: The DEFplex

We find ourselves in the DEFplex but it doesn’t look the same as usual. 

The lights are off and the arena is dark. We can’t see where the ring normally sits. We can’t see the individual seats in the stands. All we see are shadows. Save for one area that’s lit up from top to bottom. 

High above the DEFplex inside the Sweet Suite of 24K! 

We cut to another camera inside the Sweet Suite. We see the big screen at the end of the room, which usually displays live-action, is on. However, it’s not a live feed we’re seeing this time. It’s a recording of the latest edition of DEFtv. 

Eye attempts to lift Blackwood up but he’s immediately roped into a half nelson hold… which eventually turns into a full nelson hold…

Which eventually leads to Blackwood wrapping his leg around Eye’s waist and falling to the mat with him.

Blackwood has the full nelson sleeper locked in!

This is his new finisher, alongside the Gaelic Storm I was told earlier today. I didn’t know what the move was… Blackwood had an off-comment to me backstage he had some form of sleeper finisher he calls The Soul Breaker.

Blackwood has it locked in, dead center of the ring. Unfortunately, there’s nowhere for Eye to go.

Dammit. Just like THAT, too. One tiny mistake….

Stop. Rewind. 

Suddenly the scene stops and rewinds to the same starting point. The scene plays out again as the commentators repeat themselves seemingly. 

Stop. Rewind. 

As it does the camera turns to find only one of 24K! members in attendance. The FIST OF DEFIANCE, Mikey Unlikely. 

Wearing workout clothes, He’s got the FIST in its display case sat across his lap. He leans over it to try to get closer to the screen. He watches closely as Gage hooks one arm, then slowly uses his momentum to lock in the full nelson sleeper. 

Dammit. Just like THAT, too. One tiny mistake….

Stop. Rewind. 

He watches it again this time setting the remote and the FIST case down. He walks over to the TV to get a closer view. Once more we see the same thing happen as Nathaniel Eye goes to sleep. 

Mikey reaches back, finds the remote, and pauses it just as the official starts raising the hand of Eye to see if he’s conscious. 

Unlikely runs his hands through his short hair. 

“He thinks he’s so cool. New sleeper hold finisher… Bullshit!”

He turns around and heads over to the bar that’s inside the suite. Usually, an attendant helps him with his drinks, but it appears Mikey is alone tonight. He drops a couple of ice cubes in a glass. Starts running his hand across the top of the alcohol bottles. 

“I’ve been the FIST for 230+ days and NOT ONCE has Gage Blackwood shown me ANY respect!... I’m the greatest champion in DEFIANCE! ME!” 

He pours the brown liquor of choice over the ice cubes as we hear them crack in the glass. 

“I made the Hollywood Heritage title mean something… I worked my ass off with that thing. Now here I am the FIST of DEF and he’s trouncing around proclaiming to be DEFIANCE’s GREATEST CHAMPION!? I DONT FUCKING THINK SO!” 

Unlikely drains the glass down his throat and sets it down with a loud clunk. He grimaces as all the alcohol goes down. 

“Just wait... I got a new move too Gage… Just fucking wait… “ 


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