Posted by Lance Warner on 24 Jul 2024

The Lucky Sevens, The Blood Diamonds, Sgt. Safety, Count Novick and... OSCAR BURNS in action?! UNCUT is on the air and the journey to Acts of DEFIANCE begins! 


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BRAZEN Presents: A Tale of Two Tourneys

Posted by SuperDEFFan64 on 19 Jul 2024

Hello! SuperDEFFan64 here! The past two nights have been settled to crown not only a new BRAZEN Women’s Champion, but to also crown the next contender to “Houston Strong” Felton Bigsby’s BRAZEN Championship! But don’t worry, Felton had plenty to do! He happens to be the longest-reigning holder of the BRAZEN Star Cup and would have to put the Cup on the line against “The Hound” Aiden Harlow! The BRAZEN Onslaught and Tag Titles were also on the line, and not to mention the NEXT contenders for the Tag Team Titles would also be crowned! Who won what? Who fought who? Come find out in a Tale of Two Tourneys from BRAZEN Studios!

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EXCLUSIVE: Mil Vueltas Interview

Posted by Christie Zane on 15 Jul 2024

Yesterday at the DEFIANCE Wrestle-plex, Christie Zane had the chance to sit down with Mil Vueltas and speak at length to the luchador about his recent history within DEFIANCE, the whereabouts of his manager Thomas Keeling, among other subjects... plus, a shocking appearance by someone from Mil's past? 

Check out the interview HERE!

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BRAZEN Star Announces Relinquishing of Championship

Posted by Jamie Sawyers on 14 Jul 2024

In an unexpected announcement, Ophelia Sykes took to social media today to inform the public of what she’d already told BRAZEN officials in private: she is relinquishing the BRAZEN Women’s Championship.

Not a cause for regret, however: she is giving up the title because she is pregnant! 

Sykes, age twenty-six, told her social media following that she and her long-time partner and fellow Defiant Pat Cassidy, age twenty-nine, discovered this week that they are expecting their first child. Baby Cassidy is currently due to arrive sometime this Spring.

The news comes during a turbulent time for the Cassidy family: at last week’s Maximum DEFIANCE, Brock Newbludd came up short in his bid to win the FIST of DEFIANCE, and as a result Cassidy must serve as best man when his long time rival Malak Garland marries Pat's sister Sibohan. While Cassidy is apparently overjoyed at the prospect of newfound fatherhood, he’s likely less excited that Malak will be his child’s uncle. 

Still, DEFIANCE and the Favored Saints congratulate both Ophelia and Pat on their emerging family. Obviously, Sykes will miss in-ring action for the rest of 2024 and the majority of 2025, while Pat’s bicep injury still has him on the inactive list. Current word is that doctor’s are telling Cassidy that he is on track for an early 2025 recovery and return to the ring - just in time, one would assume, for DEFCON 2025.

Despite still being injured, one can also expect to Pat to be a part, in one form or another, of DEFtv 206 when Malak marries Siobhan.

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Posted by Darren Keebler on 11 Jul 2024

Night 1  |  Night 2

Live from Puerto Rico, MAXDEF 2024 sees the SoHer championship defended by Corvo Alpha against Ned Reform in the main event of night one! Brock Newbludd challenges Malak Garland for the FIST of DEFIANCE in the main event of night two! Join us for this and so much more!

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DEFIANCE Tag Team Title Stipulation Is Announced!

Posted by Elise Ares on 30 Jun 2024

From the desk of Sir Reginald Klein Boxman III, Esq:

Due to the stipulation of DEFtv 205, Elise Ares of the Pop Culture Phenoms has hence forth been given the right to determine the stipulation of the triple threat tag team match for the DEFIANCE Unified Tag Team Championships at Maximum DEFIANCE in San Juan, Puerto Rico. As a fellow Caribbean native, Ms Ares is uniquely qualified to speak on behalf of the Puerto Ricans and knows what they would desire for a once-in-a-lifetime event such as a top DEFIANCE PPV visiting Coliseo de Puerto Rico.

So, on behalf of the peoples of Puerto Rico, Elise Ares has declared that the triple threat for the DEFIANCE Unified Tag Team Championships will be a Ladder Match. However, this will not just be any ladder match. In order to curb both of the contender’s unrelenting pursuit to have outside third parties involved in all of their affairs, Elise Ares has declared that this match will be a Triple Threat Trios Ladder Match of her DEFIANCE Unified Tag Team Championships. In San Juan, Puerto Rico we will see The Pop Culture Phenoms consisting of Elise Ares, The D, & Klein vs. The Lucks Sevens consisting of Max Luck, Mason Luck, & Lonnie Luck vs. M4NTRA consisting of Nathaniel Eye, Declan Alexander, & Makayla Namaste.

This announcement was delayed due to a legal dispute made by the lawyers of Makayla Namaste in regards to her contract being that of a “non-performer.” However, after a rather lengthy presentation given to Tom Morrow’s legal team and also to a judge of Makayla’s insistence to involve herself in “performer activities” it was decided by that judge that Makayla Namaste will in-fact be legally obligated to participate in the Trios Ladder Match at Maximum DEFIANCE.

Sir Reginald Klein Boxman III, Esq.

PS - Sucks to suck, losers.

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UNCUT 162! Last Stop Before MAXDEF!

Posted by Lance Warner on 26 Jun 2024


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- Butcher Victorious




1. Malak Garland
2. Ned Reform
3. Tyler Fuse
4. Corvo Alpha
5. Brock Newbludd


2. Los Tres Titanes
3. Lucky Sevens
4. PCP
5. RCR


1. Kazuhiro Troy
2. Nick Lotto Otto
3. Punch Drunk Purcell
4. Archer Silver
5. BIGBOSS Batts