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Arthur Pleasant Biography

Fed Info

Fed Awards
Fed Titles
Favoured Saints Championship  


  • Dex Joy
  • Matt LaCroix
  • Lindsay Troy
  • Arthur Pleasant and Lindsay Troy are the living example of "opposites attract". They have either fought all over the world against one another or been involved with each other in some capacity across multiple promotions. From Las Vegas to Chicago, they have had more than a fair share of personal, bloody matches with one another. Despite all of these meetings, though, Arthur has only ever beaten the "High Queen of DEFIANCE" once, and it just so happens it was inside of a DEFIANCE Wrestling ring. Some day, they will battle in a rubber match... and given the battle scars both competitors have given each other, one could only assume it will either be just as or MORE hard-hitting, bloody, and memorable as the last one.


  • Jack Harmen
  • Arthur Pleasant had a series of victorious matches against "High Flyer" Jack Harmen between DEFIANCE Wrestling and High Octane Wrestling. After which, Arthur Pleasant somehow convinced/manipulated/threatened to release a sex tape of High Flyer. Quite frankly, nobody really knows why Jack Harmen has aligned himself with Arthur Pleasant and "The Scourge"... but he has. Given jack's history of mental illness? This alliance can't be good for anyone crossing their paths.

Wrestling Info

Entrance Music
Physical Description
Pale skinned and scarred. Lanky at 6'3" and 207lbs (Edit: Has since put on muscle mass and is at 220lbs). Long black hair in the half-shaved style (Shinsuke Nakamura). Has an "X" scar carved out into his temple on the shaved side.

Tattoos: Has a Watchmen blood smiley tattoo on his left pectoral: has a crappy looking barned wire tattoo on his right bicep. Has a blood dripping styled "friends 2 the end" tattooed across his abdomen. 
Ring Attire
Boots: Black with neon orange laces and trim.

Pants: Long wrestling tights with blood spatter patterns. Neon orange paintball-like splatter intermixed. A symbol of hands cupping an eyeball in ancient temple worship on the outer left leg. "AP" at an angle on a spiral on the outer right leg.

Knee Pads: Black with neon green skulls.

Elbow Pads:Black with neon orange paintball-like splatter. 
Wrestling Style
Striker x Vicious/Hardcore Heel... Arthur seems to have an adapability about him that he has been keen on keeping a tight lid on.  
Finisher Move
1. Calamity Pain 2. Plague of Mankind  
Finisher Description
1. GTS with a falling transition into a Codebreaker 2. Guillotine Choke  
MDK Finisher
Scourge of Mankind  
MDK Description
Cradle Tombstone Piledriver Through an unfolded chair  
3-5 Signature Moves
I. Provocation
- High Velocity Single-Leg Dropkick AKA Drew McIntyre's Claymore

II. Friends Till The End
-Back to Back Shining Wizards; Front and then Back

III. Land of Make Believe
- Triple Rolling Fisherman Busters

IV. Insomnia
- Pump-Handle Piledriver

V. Narcolepsy
-Precision Buzzsaw Kick; Opponent is standing OR kneeling 
10 Common Holds/Maneuvers
I. Muay Thai mid-kicks
II. Muay-Thai Punches
III. Rope assisted roughness (Stun Guns, etc.)
IV. Headbutt
VI. Eyepoke
VII. Eye Gouge
VIII. Biting
IX. Roaring elbows
X. Piledriver 
Ring Entrances



"The Joes were wrong. Knowing isn't half the battle. It's eighty percent, at least."

- Kai Scott




1. Malak Garland
2. Ned Reform
3. Tyler Fuse
4. Corvo Alpha
5. Brock Newbludd


2. Los Tres Titanes
3. Lucky Sevens
4. PCP
5. RCR


1. Kazuhiro Troy
2. Nick Lotto Otto
3. Punch Drunk Purcell
4. Archer Silver
5. BIGBOSS Batts