Title: Nothing Last Forever
Featuring: "Sub Pop" Scott Douglas
Date: 4/1/2023
Location: Variest

Nothing lasts forever. 

A rare few will have their first and last matches in a prominent nationally known promotion. 

Most will start in a high school gym and end in National Guard Armory. 

As much as I lived and breathed DEFIANCE Wrestling, returning to the indies wasn’t a foreign feeling.

I started here, I’ll likely finish here. 


Feb 24th, 2022
Hannahan Recreation Center
North Charleston, SC
Hannahan Neighborhood

A camera follows Scott Douglas, as he makes his way to the locker room following his match at the modest Hannahan Recreation Center.  As the locker room door shuts, cutting him off from the small but raucous crowd, Scott leans against the cold center block wall and takes a moment to catch his breath.  

From behind the camera, the documentarian who has been following Douglas for the past few months asks “Standing here tonight after another great performance in admittedly a smaller venue than you would have been in a year ago… can you reflect on your journey since leaving DEFIANCE?” 

Scott looks toward the camera thinking for a second, still getting his breath. "It's been a wild ride," he says, wiping sweat from his forehead with his taped forearms. "Leaving DEFIANCE was tough, but I really didn’t have any other choice but to move on and explore other opportunities … “

“Even in the few months we’ve been tagging along, it’s been a whirlwind of cities and a confusing number of acronyms … Has the travel worn on you or does it feel like you are tapping back into the root of the sport? “

“Hell, when you put it that way … what other answer can I give?” Douglas chuckles before playfully mocking the question, “Yeah, uh … I really feel the spirit of Lou Thesz coursing through my veins as I travel the country and … ?“ Scott trails off and can’t help but laugh. He can’t take himself that seriously, not now … not ever. 

“It's been great to see different parts of the country again after spending so much time in New Orleans. I got to meet new people and reconnect with some old friends," he says. "I've had some tough matches and a couple of hard-fought losses… but it's all part of the journey."

Scott pauses to think for a moment. 

"My ultimate goal is still to make it to the top of the wrestling world or ... back to it." he says. "But in the end, whether another major promotion comes calling or not, I'm committed to working hard and giving it my all every time I step into the ring."

Scott starts to move further into the locker room.

"I'm just getting started," he says with a smile. "There's a lot more to come."


Nothing lasts forever. 

My father was a journeyman in the southeastern territories before I was a gleam in his eye…

He had dreams of rising to the top of his profession and although he became a well-respected hand, that never came to pass. 


Dec 30th, 2021
Martha Douglas Residence
Seattle, Washington
South Park Neighborhood


Scott’s mother calls for her adult son as she rounds the corner of the kitchen and heads down the hallway of the family’s longtime residence. The modest three-bedroom apartment isn’t anything to crow about but it’s certainly served the Douglas family well for nearly thirty years. 

“Scotty?” she asks ducking her head in Scott Douglas’ childhood bedroom but he doesn’t answer and upon inspection; she doesn’t see him inside. His visits home are rare and generally kept to the kitchen and living room…

It clicks, she knows exactly where he is.

She continues down the hall to the last room on the right. Regardless of its intended use and the fact that a daybed takes up quite a bit of room within its cramped square footage - this has never been a bedroom. 

“There you are, Scotty.”

Scott Douglas, seated at his late father's desk turns to the doorway, “oh, hey … yeah I was just …thinking about dad I guess.” 

This room had long served as Scott’s father’s office. Not for business purposes but more of a study or at the very least a place to achieve the past. His mother nods understandingly and continues into the room. She takes a seat on the edge of the daybed and Scott swivels the old office chair around to face her. 

“I miss him too, Scotty,” she says softly, placing a hand on his arm. “But you know he wouldn’t want you to dwell on it too much. He’d want you to keep moving forward, to keep living your life.”

Scott nods but doesn’t say anything. His father’s passing had hit him hard, and he still struggled to come to terms with it. Moreover, how he had lost so much time with his father during his tenure in DEFIANCE. 

“You know, your father was incredibly proud of you.” his mother continues. “We used to watch you on that streaming thing or whatever it was and I … well, I’ve never seen the man happier. Ear-to-ear grin!”

Scott manages a slight sibilance of a smile at the thought of his father … smiling at all. 

“And you know that wasn’t common, in the least!” his mother adds. 

Scott chuckles, “yeah, ol’ Stone Wall Nate … ”

“He was heartbroken when you left DEFIANCE but it wasn’t about him or living his dreams through you - he was heartbroken for you. He knew damn well what it took and how hard you scraped and clawed to get to the top… “ 

Scott’s mother pauses, taking a deep breath before continuing, “He wanted you to be happy and successful, but most importantly, he wanted you to be true to yourself. And that’s what you’ve done, Scotty. You’ve made a name for yourself in the industry you both loved … on your own terms.”

She continues, “And … some might say in a moment like this; everything happens for a reason. When you lost that match, it brought you back home and that turned out to be a good thing.”

“How so?” Scott asks.

“If you hadn’t lost … you would have missed those last few days with your father. I’m incredibly grateful, you two had that time to catch up,” his mother answers emphatically.

Scott leans back in the chair, taking in his mother’s words. It’s true, all of it, maybe all this has happened for a reason.

“Thanks, Mom,” he finally says, reaching out to give her a hug. 

“Anytime, son” she replies, returning the hug. “Just remember, your father will always be proud of you, no matter what.”


Nothing lasts forever.

New Orleans became my second home…

And now I haven’t been here in two years. 

But I suppose I’ve stayed away from home longer than that before.



Feb 24th, 2023
NOLA Snack-N-Go
New Orleans, LA
5th Ward

The door of a small convenience store swings open, and a set of bells affixed the door jingle. The store clerk glances up from his paper but quickly does a double take when he sees who's entered.

"Scotty?!" he exclaims, his excitement evident.

"Hey, bud! How've you been?" Scott replies.

It's been almost two years since Scott Douglas was last in New Orleans. His wrestling career, at least in DEFIANCE, came to an end at DEFCon 2021. Scott faced Mikey Unlikely and lost, dashing his dream of becoming FIST and costing him his career in DEFIANCE.

The store clerk pops up from his seat behind the counter and eagerly reaches across to shake Scott's hand. Scott reciprocates as the elated clerk asks, "What brings you back around here?"

Scott chuckles, but before he can respond, the clerk, realizing that his initial question may have sounded harsher than he intended, quickly adds, "Well, I mean, I'm glad to see you! I'm just surprised, that's all."

"Actually, I'm just passing through," Scott replies with a smile. "I was in the area and I thought why not stop by and say hi to some old friends."

The clerk nods, happy to hear that Scott hasn't completely forgotten about their small corner of the world. "Well, it's great to see you, man. I know they're touring now, but..." he trails off, his voice lowering slightly. "Would this trip have anything to do with DEFIANCE?"

"Nah, nothing like that," Scott says, hoping to put the clerk's suspicions to rest. "Just wanted to see some familiar faces."

The clerk nods, but the lingering curiosity in his eyes suggests that he's not entirely convinced.

It was a bitter end to his career in the promotion, but he knows he made the right decision in honoring the “Loser Leaves Town” stipulation, no matter how dubious the finish of the match. 

He shakes his head, trying to clear his thoughts, and focuses on the items on the shelves in front of him. He picks up a bag of chips and a bottle of water.

As he makes his way to the counter to pay, Scott can feel the eyes of the store clerk following him. He wonders if the clerk is still suspicious about his true reason for being in town, but he brushes it off and readies to pay for his items.

Scott remembers and adds, "Oh, let me get a pack of smokes too..."

The clerk reaches for the cigarettes above his station, but not before giving Scott a concerned look. "You really ought to give these up, Scotty," he says, his tone laced with worry.

Scott chuckles, knowing full well the risks of smoking. "I know, I know," he says, "but old habits die hard."

The clerk nods, but the concern doesn't leave his eyes as he rings up the purchase. Scott takes the pack of cigarettes, tucks it into his pocket, and grabs the chips and water. 

“It’s always good to see you, bud!” Scott says as he turns toward the door. 

The clerk again stands and holds his hand out, queuing Scott to double back. Shoving the chips and water bottle between his arm and body, he extends his hand as well, and the two shake. 

“You too, Scotty! Give ‘em hell!” the clerk responds.

"Yes sir!" Scott says, flashing a quick smile before heading out of the store. He knows that no matter where he goes, his past and DEFIANCE will always follow him, but he's determined to make the most of his future.


Nothing lasts forever.

Not even the bad times…


March 30th, 2023
National Gaurd Armory
Forth Worth, TX
Storage Room 

"You know, having you here has been really eye-opening," Scott says. "It's one thing to experience this all on my own, but having someone document it all makes me realize just how much I've been through in the past few years."

“How so?” the voice asks from behind the camera.

"I've faced a lot of challenges, both in and out of the ring," Scott continues. "But I've also had some incredible moments that I'll never forget. And it's all been leading up to this moment, right now."

He gestures to the storage room being used as a locker room around them.

"I don't know where this journey will take me next," he says. "But I do know that I'm grateful for every experience, every challenge, every victory, and every setback. It's all part of the story."

“You seem really …well, upbeat” chuckles, “... today, Scott. Even earlier off camera … what’s changed?” the documentarian asks from behind the camera. 

Scott pauses and thinks for a moment and with a smirk replies…

 “There might be something on the horizon… “  


Nothing lasts forever…

More Propaganda | View "Sub Pop" Scott Douglas's Biography




- The D




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