Featuring: Butcher Victorious
Date: 11/16/23
Location: Backstage - DEFtv Night Two
DEFonDEMAND Exclusive
Running down the backstage areas of the Mitsubishi Electric Halle like his life depended on it, Butcher Victorious continues running until he happens upon his mentor, Oscar Burns, casually watching the conclusion of the Favoured Saints Title match between Uriel Cortez and TA Cole on a monitor… and not at an awkward angle, either. After pensively watching the match, Oscar turns and sees Butcher gasping for air…
Butcher Victorious:
BUTCH VIC… Uh… sorry, Butch Vic… is gonna be sick…
He stops and tries to take a breath… but Burns not only looks displeased to see him, but also gets a whiff of something odorous…
Oscar Burns:
Ugh! Butcher! Who told you that you were done with Helen Duty tonight?! Her bloody cage ain’t gonna scoop itself, you muppet!
Butcher tries to speak, but stops and tries to keep catching his breath from running one side of the arena to the next…
Butcher Victorious: (huffing)
I know… but I came right here… to tell you that Mil Vueltas…. He was looking for you… he wants a remat…
Oscar Burns:
Yeah nah.
Butcher looks up confused.
Oscar Burns:
Of course the little muppet wants a rematch… he can’t stand I beat him fair and square on UNCUT 150! But my dance card’s already full with his big bro, Uriel Cortez.
Oscar looks at the monitor.
Oscar Burns:
I’m going to take back the Favoured Saints Championship to Vae Victis since SOMEONE here dropped the damn ball…
Butcher winces.
Butcher Victorious:
Sorry, sorry… I’m sorry. I just thought you should know Mil was looking for you in case he tries to start some…
Oscar Burns:
You know what, Butcher? Nobody likes a snitch. Go back to Helen Duty.
Before he can say anything else, he leaves Butcher high and dry in the hallway. Butcher looks around, then gets a whiff of his shirt and almost gags before the scene cuts to a new graphic for the next DEFtv…
DEFtv 196