Title: All Those People [1]
Featuring: Uriel Cortez
Date: 8/2/21
Location: DEFIANCE Wrestle-Plex Gym

Monday, August 2nd
DEF Arena, training room


A voice booms throughout the weight room of one of the training facilities of the DEFIANCE Wrestle-Plex. Looking at his phone, young BRAZEN prospect Dan Leo James gets the attention of everyone around him. 

“I’M IN! TAG PARTY 3 COMPETITION! I’M IN!” he screams to anyone that will hear him, finger pointing at the phone on his hand.  

The six-foot seven James, only twenty-one years young, has all the enthusiasm of an excited kid on his birthday when he jumps up. Standing next to him, his friends Lee Laz and “Mellow Yellow” George Othello both try and get him to calm down. 

“Chill, Dan,” Lee hisses with a whisper. “Look, congrats, but… chill a little.”

“Aye, people are trying to work out,” Othello says. 

None of this, though, is enough to wipe the smile off of James’ face. The young kid from Utah points at the phone. 

“Hey, hey!” He points at the phone again. “And they got me with… Uriel Cortez. Like, tallest guy in the promotion!”

Othello shrugs, “Congrats, mate, and good luck.” says the Welshman. “I was in last year with Oscar Burns, but we didn’t make it past round one. Hopefully, you’re gonna do better than I did.”

Lee slaps the large kid from Utah on the chest as he continues reading his phone over and over again. 

“Dude…” Dan points at his phone. “I… wait… Lee, George… I’m gonna be on TV… oh, shit… TV...”

And when the realization of all the show entails hits the young man… his face starts to go white. 

“Dan?” Lee askes. “You okay, dude? You’re looking a little pale.”

Dan looks at the phone. “Dude… dude, I’ve had ONE match on UNCUT. I did okay, but… all those people out there? Staring at you? I slipped on the ropes like a dumbass on my way out!” 

Othello raises an eyebrow. 

“Dan… that’s… that’s professional wrestling. At least if you make it big, man. I mean, we’ve done these shows for BRAZEN. That doesn’t bother you?”

“Oh, no, they do…” Dan tells him as he tries not to hyperventilate, “...but I had to get used to it… man… I dunno. I don’t think I’m ready.”

Lee slaps his arm. 

“Shut up,” Lee tells him. “Man, especially for a bigger guy, your footwork in that ring is always good. I’ve never seen you mess up any move you’ve tried. :I see why they picked you.”

“I know, but…” Dan says. “Look… I did the amateur wrestling thing in school and I was good at that. The grappling fundamentals, I can do that all day. Chris Redd was a great technician and he trained me well… but the people, man… always the people. Judging. Watching. Critiquing. I… I get sick just thinking about it sometimes… and now THOUSANDS of people watching… again…”

“Multiple times, if you guys win round one,” Lee says with a laugh, which just makes Dan sink further into his chair. 

Othello hands Dan a bottle of water, then slaps Lee on the shoulder for his ball busting.  

“Okay,” Othello says, “try not to think about any of that stuff then.”

Dan looks at the phone again, seeing his name and scrolling among the list of those participating… and keeps reading. 

And imagining the crowd.

And then getting whiter…

Then his phone rings. 

“AAAAHHHH!” Dan gets started by his phone going off in his hands. 

“Dan… lighten the fuck up,” Lee tells him. 

Dan doesn’t recognize the number immediately, but it’s a local number. He looks at Lee and Othello, then hits the accept button. 

“Uh… hello?” Dan says. 

“Hey…” a booming voice says over the phone. “I’m looking for Dan… James? The office gave me this number for him.” 

Dan looks up at Lee and George, then heads off away from the gym so he can put the phone on speaker. The nosy Lee and George follow and listen in. 

“Uh… Dan Leo James, yeah. I’m him. I mean, uh… yeah, this is me.”

Hey… this is Uriel Cortez. Nice to meet you.”

Dan looks worried and doesn’t know what to say… but then Lee slaps his arm and mouths “SAY SOMETHING!” under his breath. 

“Uh… me too… you too!” Dan stutters. 

“Hey… management wanted me to give you a call as soon as the post went up. Have you seen the news about the latest BRAZEN show, Tag Party 3?”

Dan looks at his buddies again and Lee keeps mouthing answers. 

“Uh… yeah! Yeah! I saw it a few minutes ago.” 

“Great… pleasure working with you,” Uriel says. “So we’ve never formally met, but before we team up for this thing we should meet up. If you’ve got some free time, I can put in a request for a training ring at the gym if you have a time that works for you.”

Dan looks up and then looks down at Lee and George. George nods “yes” and Dan nods. 

“Uh… yes! Yes! I’m free! Pick and time and I’m good… dawg?” Dan says, face suddenly shifting like he smelled sour milk after the word “dawg” leaves his mouth. 

After a second or two of dead silence, Uriel finally responds. 

“Okay, 5:00 tonight sound good?” he asks. 

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, all good all good,” Dan says. 

“Okay, great. I gotta go, but take it easy and I’ll see you tonight at the Plex. Take it easy.”

“You too,” Dan says as the phone hangs up. 

Dan looks to his friends and… sighs. 

“Oh, god, I said dawg, didn’t I?” He says. “Oh, God… just thinking about all those people…”

Lee and George both shake their heads in disgust. 

He's gonna have some work to do. 


More Propaganda | View Uriel Cortez's Biography



"It pisses you all off so much, doesn’t it? To watch a â€"garbage wrestler” like ME match a legend like Jack Harmen, your precious fucking HIGH FLYER, move for move in the center of this ring. For all the chairs I bash into the face of your heroes, who knew that a villain like me had an armbar in my back pocket to stretch them out with? I’ll tell you WHO, and it wasn’t Cindy Lou! Hahaha!!"

- Arthur Pleasant




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