Title: Ready, Ames, Fire 18
Featuring: Teresa Ames
Date: 2/9/2022
Location: Apartment

The afternoon sun swelters through the blinds as Vickie’s busy body scoots around the apartment.

Oh me, oh my, I must tidy up this place. Jonathan-Christopher could be home at any moment and what would he have to say about a messy house? I know exactly what he would say. A messy house is untidy and that’s no good for lovers.

She bustles and muscles dirt, grim and dust into oblivion with her microfiber cloth.

Phew. This is hard work!

Nearly out of breath, she has to take a moment to sit in the recliner. She nestles in. It smells like her man after all and she only fancies her tushy in it whenever he's out, otherwise she leaves it open for him.

I am so lucky. Look at this wonderful apartment.

Her luck quickly runs out though as her dust-buster senses indicate a spot she missed on the table. With haste, Vickie springs over and wipes the edge of the coffee table. Satisfied, she puts her hands on her hips and admires her handy work.

There. That should do it. Still not quite as clean of a place Teresa keeps but it’ll have to do for us.

Just as she finishes her sentence, her phone vibrates on the table in front of her. Eager to unwrap whatever hand crafted message awaits, she snatches the phone and navigates to her inbox.

It’s a message from my love, Jonathan-Christopher! How blessed am I for him to think of me during the middle of the day?

Her eyes speed read the entire thing as joy permeates throughout her body.

What do you have to say right now, my love? Hmmm. It looks like you’ve decided to go gift shopping for Mathias and Teresa! My, how thoughtful and selfless! A gift for our beloved friends next door is a grand gesture given our upcoming dinner date together.

She thumbs her phone a few more times.

There. Not only have I messaged my love back but I made sure to e-transfer him some money in order to cover the overly thoughtful gift.

She can’t help but smile. Everything’s coming together nicely.

© 2022 Cablefabe Original

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"This scar. The scar you caused. It will heal twisted and gnarled. I’d have it no other way. Let it stand as a sign of caution for the whole lot of you that the madman of Banff, Scotland is back tradin’ exclusively in the currency of blood and fear."

- Bronson Box




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