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Frank Holiday Biography

Fed Info

Fed Titles
1x Southern Heritage Champion  
Fed Awards


  • Team HOSS
  • Since the day he debuted in DEFIANCE, Frank Holiday has clashed with Junior Keeling and his band of bullies, Angel Trinidad, Capital Punishment, and Aleczander. Their many battles in the ring have only deepened the hostility between both sides.

  • Stockton Pyre
  • With his reputation for spying on his fellow DEFIANTS and taking notes on them for no clear purpose, Stockton Pyre is -- in the mind of Frank Holiday -- the personification of the anonymous Patriot Act-slash-Big Brother state Frank hates and fears. Their rivalry was born of ideology but has gotten very, very personal since.


  • The Big Damn Heroes
  • After a lot of Twitter twaddle, backstage shenanigans, and occasions to join forces to take on some common enemies, Frank Holiday is tight with Lindsay Troy, Tyler Rayne and Wade Elliott.

  • David Noble
  • Although they had a contentious relationship at first, Frank Holiday and David Noble are now good friends and competitive rivals.

Wrestling Info

Finisher Move
Train Wreck  
Finisher Description
A fireman's carry front powerslam (Wasteland)  
Finisher Setup Move
Setup Description
A fireman's carry into DDT (F-5)  
Special Moves
1) Spear
2) Flying elbowdrop
3) Powerbomb
4) Uranage
5) Sitout front suplex
Other Moves
1) High angle bodyslam
2) Running lariat
3) Whipshot Lariat: When Frank is in the ropes and the opponent tries to whip him, he'll hook his arm on the rope to block it. When the opponent tries a second time, Frank releases the rope and uses the extra momentum from the whip to nail the opponent with an extra-hard lariat.
4) Backbreaker
5) Fallaway slam
6) Legdrop
7) Running big boot
8) Running knee into the corner
9) Superplex
10) Camel clutch
11) Inverted powerslam
12) Diving axhandle
13) Flying clothesline
14) Flying body press
15) Jackhammer
16) Piledriver
17) Russian legsweep
18) Belly-to-back suplex
19) Delayed vertical suplex
20) Boston crab 



"[Cayle Murray] was such a spirited do-gooder before all this. Do you think they put up one of those 5G towers near his home in Scotland and that’s how Mikey & Co. are able to implement mind control?"

- Conor Fuse




1. Malak Garland
2. Ned Reform
3. Tyler Fuse
4. Corvo Alpha
5. Brock Newbludd


2. Los Tres Titanes
3. Lucky Sevens
4. PCP
5. RCR


1. Kazuhiro Troy
2. Nick Lotto Otto
3. Punch Drunk Purcell
4. Archer Silver
5. BIGBOSS Batts