Downtown Austin Hosts BRAZEN Double Shot

Posted by Lance Warner on 16 Sep 2015

The Mohawk located at 912 Red River in Austin hosted a two night BRAZEN supershow... I'll just say this, if you haven't been following Eric Dane and Angus Skaaland's developmental experiemnt, you might want to at least check out night two becasue... well, read on faithful. You don't want to miss this one.

Night One

Osaka Hate Crime vs. Rebel Yell & Massive Cowboy - The night started with a bang as Frank’s Southern Bastards stepped into the ring with Kazuo Akamatsu, Tendo and Yahagi the Osaka Hate Crime. The match started off wild and wooly as one might expect from these two factions, things looked to be going the Bastards way, J.J. looking to perhaps pick up the pinfall over the much larger Akamatsu when three new faces found their way to ringside. A man calling himself “Sgt. Safety” and his two construction worker stooges dubbed the “Timeclock Cowboys” decided to ruin the fun for everyone, going on a diatribe about how they were here to “clean up” Eric Dane and Angus Skaaland’s “revolting, dangerous mess” of a promotion.

Needless to say neither OHC or the Bastards were all that pleased with the interruption and proceeded to absolutely kick the ever loving crap out of the three newcomers. Even joined at the end by The Mastadon himself, Frank laying boots to “Sgt. Safety” and his goons… after that Frank and the boys then cleared the ring of the Osaka Hate Crime, just for good measure.

Gotta’ love those crazy Bastards.

Cristiano Caballero vs. CAGE! - Next up we were treated to another debut, handsome Spaniard Cristiano Caballero took on BRAZEN’s resident oddball and probably Nicolas Cage’s biggest fan, the masked CAGE! In one on one action. Always the fan favorite, CAGE! worked hard for his money but came up short against the much bigger Spaniard. What could have been a clean win for the debuting Caballero was tarnished by a needless handful of tights. Post match Cristiano primped and preened his way backstage… quite proud of himself.

Levi Cole vs. Thomas Slaine - Keeping with the theme of debuts, self proclaimed “madman psychopath” Thomas Slaine (w/ valet Vikki) was out next and boy howdy did he pick the short straw. His opponent for the night was none other than the “giant killer” himself, All-America Levi Cole. Even with the CONSTANT interference from Slaine’s main squeeze Vikki on the outside Cole was in control of this one from bell to bell. Ringing Slaine’s bell with a body rocking spinebuster for yet another impressive pinfall victory.

Brutal Attack Force vs. ACX (Don-Ho & Rich) - The usually reviled BAF didn’t seem to know how to react to the uproarious reaction for hometown boy Petey Garrett. With Pete and Solomon playing the “good guys” tonight, the Angel City crew of Don Hollywood and Rich Mahogany were in rare form. Don-Ho and Richy’s shenanigans, while cheeky and fun, were all met with tag team precision by the long time BAF duo. In the end Rich found himself in Grendel’s Solomon Stretch and was forced to tap.

Felton Bigsby vs. Butcher Victorious - Night one’s main event was up to this point, easily BRAZEN’s best match to date as “Houston Strong” Felton Bigsby faced off against another hometown Austin boy in the wild and weird Butcher Victorious. The reaction for The Liberal City Landlord was deafening in the small venue, rivaled only by the seemingly endless “HOUSTON SUCKS!” chants that accompanied Mr. Bigsby’s entrance to ringside.

A top notch bout that saw Butcher pull out all the stops, sailing over the top rope and off the turnbuckles many many times in an attempt to pull out the victory in his old stomping grounds. That dream seemed like it might become a reality before… yeah, you guessed it. Vikings.

Cul and his Viking War Cult once again make their presence felt attacking the two competitors before a pinfall or submission could occur. Cul once again took the time to call out Lindsay Troy and her DEFIANCE Trios champion cohorts Ty Walker and The Ego Buster Dan Ryan. “YOU CAN ONLY IGNORE ME FOR SO LONG, TROY! YOU AND YOU’RE FOOL PARTNERS! WE WILL HAVE OUR PRIZE! EVEN IF WE HAVE TO STAIN OUR HANDS WITH THE BLOOD OF YOUR LITTLE FRIEND HERE… I told you I’d make this personal, wench… ”

The Nu-Father’s promo was cut short as Levi Cole, Mascara De Muerte IV and much to everyone’s surprise, Reinhardt Hoffman all run out to assist their fellow “BRAZEN Five” fellows. The fivesome managing to fend off the Vikings beat down and send them packing back into the crowd to make a hasty escape. With the crowd chanting for BRAZEN, Cul is absolutely livid… but before he and his men can escape through the back doors a familiar voice over the PA gives them all pause… as Angus Skaaland steps out from backstage!

“Ok Sweedish Chef, listen up. You and your sideshow want in this goddamn bad? Fine. Tomorrow night we’ll do a little shufflin’... your creepy ass twins with the goofy last name, they’re going to go up against Petey and Solomon, the Brutal Attack Force! And Cul? Bud? Man do I have a surprise for you. There’s a DEF classic that wants to get his hand around your neck and pop that little blond head of your right the fuck off… so show up with your boots on tomorrow night boys, things are about to get damn interesting… “

Talk about a memorable show, but it had nothing on night two…

Night Two

MASSIVE Cowboy & Frank Dylan James vs. Timeclock Cowboys w/ Sgt. Safety - The man from the Double Dragon Ranch in Tokyo Texas and the one and only Mastodon were greeted like kings as they made their entrance to ringside… Sgt. Safety and his Timeclock Cowboys, quite the opposite. This tag team match obviously a response to the Bastards run in with the Sarge and his boys last night. Sgt. Safety kept his distance, jotting down notes on his clipboard VERY displeased whilst Frank and his good buddy MASSIVE Cowboy make short work of his goon squad. Frank stares daggers into Sgt. Safety as the cowardly safety specialist hightails it back to the backstage area, not even taking the time to collect his boys.

Mascara De Muerte IV vs. Sho Nakazawa - The fans were treated to lightning quick action as “BRAZEN Five” fellow Mascara De Muerte steps into the ring with  The Morioka Mantis, “Japan’s Greatest Export” Sho Nakazawa. Similar builds, similar styles. These two young man put on a clinic that kept the fans on their feet from bell to bell. Crisp, clean high risk action that showed BRAZEN is more than wild bloody brawls and coolers of “bring your own” beer. MDM4 slowly but surely got the upperhand, popping off a crisp standing hurricanrana followed up by his finisher “La Muerte” that saw Nakazawa tap after a hard fought contest.

The Holmström Brothers vs. Brutal Attack Force - Next we got our first look at the identical brother tag team of Floki and Ivar Holmström. When I say identical, I mean absolutely indistinguishable from one another identical. The only tool to tell them apart is a slight difference in sleeve length on their chainmail inspired ring gear. The duo were met with a torrential rain of boos as they and their manager The Lord of Bones prepare for their upcoming contest. Garrett and Grendel are out like a shot. The BAF duo looking to turn their win into a streak with high profile victory over the Holmström brothers.

This delivered and then some. Classic, fluid tag team wrestling between two teams with undeniable chemistry, each. As good as BAF are though, the seemingly collective consciousness of Floki and Ivar is undeniable. Surprisingly, very little interference from the Lord of Bones. He simply stood at ringside and watched his boys work. The end came when Floki took Garrett up on his shoulders, Ivar performing a graceful leap off the top rope and DRIVING Petey’s face into the canvas with a dead on flying bulldog. The crowd raged at the duo, taking out their hometown boy, but a victory is a victory. The Vikings off to a good start tonight.

Reinhardt Hoffman & Butcher Victorious def. Rebel Yell - Yet another fantastic tag team contest that saw the odd duo of Hoffman and Victorious tag up for the first time to go toe to toe with J.J. Dixon and Earl Lee Roberts, Rebel Yell. Some miscommunication between Reinhardt and Butcher allowed Frank’s boys to get several strong upper hands throughout this bout, but the Gentleman German and The King of 6th Street weren’t going down without a fight. In the end it was the technical prowess of the man they call “Panzer”, Reinhart Hoffman tying Earl Lee Roberts into several knots before forcing the man to tap out in his vice-like STF.

Post match though is where the real story happens. Hoffman and Butcher leave first, as J.J. and Earl Lee make their trek back up the aisleway they were assaulted by four huge men in matching black polo shirts “K&A Security Consulting” embroidered on the front. Leading this pack of goons is none other than the Judge himself, Nicky Corozzo! It takes a few minutes before Frank Dylan James and MASSIVE Cowboy make it out to assist their Southern Bastard stablemates, when they do it’s already too late. After laying some stiff shots to Rebel Yell with a set of brass knucks Corozzo bolts, leaving his security troupe to take the asskicking from Frank and M.C.

A furious Frank Dylan James was last scene stalking through the crowd and out into the streets of south Austin looking to get his hands on his main roster rival Corozzo. This story sure to develop further on the next DEFtv taping. Watch this space for more news!

The lights go dim and a driving metal beat rips through the crowd's eardrums. From backstage we see emerge the Destroyer. The massive masked eater of worlds they call Torvald. He steps aside, allowing room for the arrival of the Nu-Father. Cul the Reaper wild blond hair tumbled down over his giant silver spiked shoulderpads, a red handprint adorns his face. Once the duo reached the ring they welcomed the overwhelmingly negative reaction from the BRAZEN acolytes. It’s not long however before…

“Cut the music, cut it now… “

My colleague Angus Skaaland strolled out from backstage with smile on his face. Usually I’d attribute that to him being more than a little toasted but tonight? Tonight The Motor Mouth of Malcontent, lead color commentator for DEFtv, and boots on the ground shot caller of BRAZEN had an ace up his sleeve tonight.

“Remember Viggo Mortensen, you asked for this… remember that. Ladies and gentlemen, tonight? Mr. Cul gets what he wants. What he’s been screamin’ about for weeks on end. Well… least one third of what he wants. You ready back there big man?” With another big smile Angus stepped back and “Black” by Sevendust starts up over the PA causing the entire arena to absolutely come unglued. Milking the reaction, TYRONE WALKER takes his time slowly strolling out into the ringside area. Unphased, almost pleased, Cul watches with vicious intent as the two time hall of famer makes his way towards the ring… one of the three DEFIANCE Trios titles slung over his shoulder.

Cul The Reaper vs. Tyrone Walker - From the second Black Jesus put boots to canvas Cul was on him like a rabid dog. Cul’s vicious unhinged brawling style not unlike Walker’s… but something in Cul’s eyes. The same sort of fiery determination we see in top flight competitors like a Bronson Box or a Dan Ryan or a Lindsay Troy. It’s obvious throughout the first few minutes of the match things were not going Ty’s way and he knew it. Very few weapons, this match wasn’t some messy hardcore plunder-fest… this was a bloody, closed fist brawl in the classic sense. Neither man standing down, both with opened up foreheads and noses from seemingly endless abuse. The crowd was so enthralled you could barely hear the person standing right beside you. Before the final bell everyone in attendance agreed, this, this was easily the best match ever presented under the BRAZEN banner, bar none.

Near what would end up being the end of the contest, the Lord of Bones appeared out of absolutely nowhere, drawing the referee's attention. It’s in this moment Torvald stepped into the ring and delivered what I’m going to go ahead and dub the most devastating spear in all of professional wrestling. Getting down in a three point stance the massive seven took masked Viking barreled towards a groggy Tyrone Walker straight up SPLITTING the former multi time World champion near in HALF! Moving far faster than a man his size should, Torvald is back at ringside and the Lord of Bones, as quickly as he arrived was gone like a flash through the crowd. With Walker now clutching his torso as though he’d been shot at close range Cul grabs a fist full of hair and drags Ty to his feet delivering his own finisher, a body rocking sit-out powerbomb he dubs “The Blood Eagle”... and much to the shock of this reporter, my colleagues and absolutely everyone in attendance Cul the Reaper pins Tyrone Walker’s shoulders to the mat for the, albeit dirty, victory.

The event ended with Cul raising Ty’s World Trios title over his head for all to see before tossing it unceremoniously down on Walker’s chest before vacating the ring. Statement? Made.

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