Title: Old Friends Pt. 2
Featuring: Edward White
Date: 4-4-24
Location: NOLA

Just outside of the city of New Orleans sits the beautiful plantation estate of Edward White. He purchased the multi million dollar property weeks after he signed with DEFIANCE wrestling oh so many moons ago. It was one of the few properties he managed to hang on to even through his brush with the law and stint in federal prison. The Kentucky native regards the property and the state of Louisiana at large more his true home than even his birthplace.

Edward’s study is a large, gaudy bookshelf lined room full of trinkets and trophies from a life lived extravagantly. Edward stands in his usual crisp white suit, his salt and pepper hair quaffed just so as he pours himself a glass of what looks to be a bone chillingly expensive Macallan ‘49… one of the worlds finest whiskies. Edward’s long time right hand Jane Katze enters the room through the large main double doors and awaits Ed to finish making his drink. He looks over his shoulder.

Edward White:
She here?

Jane just nods with a smile.

The Socialite chuckles under his breath. Jane turns and walks back over to the door, she leans out and crooks a finger… after a moment Doris Hilton walks into the room. Edward and Doris have been quietly making one another's acquaintance for months now. If there's one thing Doris Hilton respects, its money… and Ed has quite a lot of that. Edward motions for Doris to sit. She narrows her eyes as Edward takes a seat across from her and doesn't offer her a drink.

Doris Hilton:

Edward White:
Ms. Hilton.

We can tell immediately her posture changes. The last few months have been dinners at nice restaurants, warm even intimate business meetings, even a trip to the Mediterranean. Now it’s “Ms. Hilton”... Doris is a savvy enough businesswoman to know when the waters have changed temperature this drastically. Ed clearly tries to suppress a smile as he takes a sip from his whisky.

Doris Hilton:
What exactly is this, Edward? You said you had...

From a side door, suddenly enters Doris’ client “Texas Strong” Felton Bigsby. He’s dressed to the nines in a very familiar looking crisp white suit. She’s unable to hide her shock as her enormous, jacked meal ticket takes up a spot directly over Edward’s shoulder. Doris is about to stand, her finger pointed, her lips pursed ready to unload when Ed steps out infront of the situation.

Edward White:
Let me go ahead and clear the air here and get right down to brass tacks, eh? You’re a smart lady, Doris. Hell of a business woman. But see I already have one of those. A younger you with a black belt in martial arts… so you’re surplus to necessity, sadly. Ya' see old Felton and myself are well acquainted, old friends even, he’s a fine young man with great things in his future here in DEFIANCE. He needed to come on home, as it were.

Felton Bigsby:
Yeah. That and money… I love money.

Edward White:
That too. And who dosen't, by God? Animals, that's who.

Texas Strong flexes his enormous pecks and smiles greedily as he smoothes out the lapels of his freshly fit custom suit and adjusts the huge, brand spanking new gold Rolex on his wrist.

Doris Hilton:
You can’t do this! He’s under contract with me! You can’t…

Edward stands suddenly and flings his glass across the room. Hundreds and hundreds of dollars of relatively very little liquid goes flying and the glass shatters against a wall.

All of the oxygen has been sucked from the room at the out of character tantrum from The Socialite.

Edward White:

The sudden outburst makes Doris instinctively recoil.

Edward White:
Your lifetime of experience in business betrays you, Doris. Wrestling is its own beast and you are just painfully out of your league. You’re likely to get eaten up, my dear. Whilst I was entertainin’ you Jane was carefully prunin' the legal entanglements you had Mr. Bigsby all tied up in. He’s now a part of Edward White & Associates… so how about you go on back to that fat little cowboy you been kickin’ around like a scared dog and get out of our hair? Humm?

The comment about her treatment of her other client Gordy Lovett lands hard, a look of sincere regret washes over Doris’ face. Ed notices… so does Felton.

Felton Bigsby:
You talk like you hard. But you soft, Doris. I told you I was done jackin’ around and wastin' time. I'm gonna get mine. Mr. White can get me there. You can't.

Doris turns on her heels and heads for the door without another word.

Clearly not wanting to show any emotion around these two jackals.

Edward White:
Jane dear, have Nicky take her out the back way… I’m expecting actual guests later. And get some of the help to come clean up this here mess, if you would dear?

The scene concludes with Edward sauntering back over to his bar, Felton Bigsby not far behind.

More Propaganda | View Edward White's Biography



"I can’t believe you shot my sister-in-law."

- Conor Fuse




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