Featuring: Uriel Cortez
Date: 12/5
Location: San Diego, California

On Thursday, December 5th, DEFIANCE reporter Chris Trutt was offered a seat at the table… 

The table of a Familia Dinner. 

The following is an interview conducted yesterday following the main event of last week’s DEFtv with Titanes Familia.

Thursday, November 5th
Quixote, Lafayette Hotel
San Diego, CA

A DEFIANCE cameraman is following right behind Chris Trutt as he walks into the quiet upscale establishment. Wearing a slick blue button-up shirt and dark khakis. Trutt looks a little taken back and looks around at the stylish interior - a dimly-lit Oaxacan-inspired interior. He and the cameraman 

Chris Trutt:
Er… Chris Trutt… and… uh… Joe Cameraman here to see the Cortez family? 

Damn it, you know my name! It’s Doug, Trutt! Come on! 

Trutt turns to the hostess. 

Chris Trutt:
He’s right, I’m so sorry… Chris Trutt and DOUG Cameraman here to see the Cortez Family.

Doug sighs as Chris gives him the most awkward of thumbs up. 

Ah, yes. They’re expecting you in one of the private rooms. 

Trutt smiles and the two are led to a well-maintained private room with rich-looking stained-glass windows and a pulpit-inspired bar in the coner. Seated on the other side laughing are voices familiar to Trutt as he approaches. From the side he’s approaching, he can see both Titaness and their newest member, Brooklynn Rivera, having a tequila shot or two and laughing. Titaness is wearing a dark form-fitting body suit with gold sparkles while Rivera is dressed in her best black suit with gold heels. 

…never saw you coming, baby girl. That kick right to Dex’s face… that was pretty badass. 

Rivera starts cackling like a demon, then raises her glass. 

 Brooklynn Rivera:
I got to make MY DEBUT kicking Dex Joy in his fat damn face! Salut!

The ladies of Titanes Familia click their glasses together and take a shot! They keep laughing until they hear a meek voice interrupt them. 

Chris Trutt: [voice cracking]
Uh… Hello… 

Titaness and Brooklynn Rivera both look over and the laughter stops quickly. Then they both go back to their drinks and resume laughing. 

Chris Trutt:
Um… hey. Uriel Cortez invited me here for an inter…

He gets a tap on the finger. He turns around and nearly JUMPS out of his skin at the sight of what’s in front of him. 

All 6’10” of the masked monster, Killjoy. The Good Son of Titanes Familia is wearing a black dress shirt with the sleeves ripped and black jeans. 

Chris Trutt:
Er… I’m sorry. I can go now if… 

Killjoy stomps past Trutt and snatches him by the arm! Trutt starts shrieking and is at least thankful he chose the brown khakis!

Chris Trutt:
No! No! Don’t do this! SuperDEFFan64 and I have a standing D&D game to pl… oh. 

The Future of the Familia pulls a chair open and forces Trutt to sit down. Titaness tips her drink in his direction. 

Thanks, Killer. Keep the talking head entertained until Uri gets back. 

Silently nodding, Killjoy pulls a chair back and takes a seat. He leans forward with both arms on the table, staring down Trutt rather uncomfortably. 

Chris Trutt:
Uh… I… I like your mask. I… uh… I gave my Desert Orc Warrior one just like it. Did you get yours from D&D, too? 

Killjoy remains staring right through Trutt. 

Chris Trutt: [laughing nervously]
I like how you do that thing where you are like… RRRRAAAAAAHHH. That’s pretty cool. 

Still no reaction from Killjoy. Trutt tries to keep the conversation going until he notices some chips on the table. 

Chris Trutt:
Hey, chips! I… AHHH!

Before he can even do anything further, Killjoy grabs the tortilla chips and pulls them closer to himself. His eyes don’t leave Trutt’s as he reaches over and also hogs the salsa verde. 

Chris Trutt:
Uh… how do you eat through the mask? 

But before he gets what will be probably another non-answer, he can hear someone clearing their throat. He looks up and in finally walks “The Man of the House” Uriel Cortez, wearing an all-black suit, gold tie, red ojo bracelet and signature round golden sunglasses. Titaness stands up to kiss her husband. 

Just in time, love. Dinner’s ordered and drinks are pouring. 

Brooklynn takes her second shot and shivers before slamming the shot glass down on the table. 

Brooklynn Rivera:
Hooooo! Damn! Smooth! 

Uriel looks scarily peaceful with the group in front of him. 

Uriel Cortez:
Glad we’re all here. Trutt… thanks for joining us for Familia Dinner. 

Chris looks surprised by the greeting. 

Chris Trutt:
Oh… well, thanks, Uriel… uh… Mr. Cortez? Do I call you Papa Tez or Man of the House? I just like to… you know, not get pummeled. 

Uriel Cortez:
SIR. You can call me SIR. And just lighten up and do your job, kid. We wanted to get the word out and we needed one of DEFIANCE’s people down here, so enjoy the finest dinner you’re ever gonna have in this lifetime.

Chris Trutt:
Well, thank you for inviting me first! I…

You weren’t the first choice. We wanted Christie Zane, but we were told she’s “on assignment.” 

Chris Trutt: [surprised]
Oh… well… at least I got next choice over Jamie Saw…

Uriel Cortez:
Jamie Sawyers was out sick. Turf toe or the shits or whatever. He can keep that crap at home, I don’t care. We had to settle for you. 

Chris Trutt:

All goes quiet. When nobody talks, Brooklynn speaks up. 

Brooklynn Rivera:

Trutt almost jumps until Brooklynn starts laughing, then turns to Titaness.

Brooklynn Rivera:
You were right, T. He’s shook so bad! That’s funny!

Trying to not be so jumpy, Chris Trutt starts to pull out his phone with some pre-planned questions. The clip speeds up a few extra minutes after food has been ordered. 

Chris Trutt:
Yeah, I guess let’s get right to the burning questions. Brooklynn Rivera, how did you get into Titanes Familia? Was this always the plan, what went down last week? 

That’s pretty simple, Trutt. As much fun as Uriel and I are being parental figures, we’ve always known that we had more to give than to just one. So… 

She reaches over to grab the hands of Brooklynn Rivera across the table. 

We took in another. Brooklynn’s my girl. Always has been my girl. When I was asked to do some extra dates for BRAZEN last year, we had our eyes on her almost immediately. She was different from anyone else in BRAZEN. Just came in, did what she wanted and gave ZERO effs about who she offended. 

Uriel Cortez:
She was a fighter. Grew up in the very city she was named after in one of the toughest places in the world. Raised herself to have an adult job as a vet, but after that didn’t work out, she went into fighting. She MADE herself a badass… In other words… she was perfect. Seaking of… 

He reaches into his pocket and then slides a small jewelry box across the table. 

Uriel Cortez:
Cause you did a spectacular job helping us beat the hell out of The Lads, T and I got you something. 

Brooklynn Rivera:
Whoa, really? This for me? 

Uriel nods. She reaches over and grabs the box before opening it. Her eyes go wide before she turns to show what it is… a gold necklace. The camera reads “La Angelita” on the front. 

Brooklynn Rivera:
Oh, shit! Esto es jodidamente increíble!

Uriel Cortez:
Damn right, it is. You and Killer are gonna be the future of DEFIANCE and we’re always gonna be here to help you on your way. You’re our Little Angel… La Angelita now. You’re free to go out there and judo throw whoever the hell you want. And as part of Mi Familia… they’re gonna respect you or they’re gonna FEAR you. 

While Brooklynn fastens on the necklace, Trutt continues. 

Chris Trutt:
And this… is this what you guys were doing the other week when you were visiting the DEFIANCE Wrestle-plex? Recruiting Brooklynn Rivera?

Not recruiting… bringing her home. 

Cortez agrees as he takes a sip of Mezcal. 

Uriel Cortez:
I mean, punching Tate Newell, Dex Joy’s little protege was a bonus but yeah. We were there to tell her she was getting the call-up. And now, the Familia is really complete. All four of us, ready to help get MY name on the lease as DEFIANCE’s Man of the House and doing that, we’re ALL getting the things we want out of this life. All the money, all the main events, all the championship spots… those are coming to US. 

Trutt continues. 

Chris Trutt:
And what about singling out The Lads? Dex Joy? Were they part of this plan? 

Uriel Cortez:
I can say this… they were on our radar. But they put themselves there even quicker when we were putting the boots to Butch Vic for being a little shit and name-dropping my wife after getting his stupid energy drink deal. They got involved… Joy and Purcell, they started this. And we handled Familia Business at the end of DEFtv in front of everyone in his own backyard. 

Brooklynn Rivera: [laughing]
Awwww, Papa Tez gave him the BELT. 

Uriel Cortez:
I did, Angelita. It hurt him a lot more than it hurt me. 

Chris Trutt:
Um… don’t you mean it hurt you more than it hurt him? 

Another sip of Mezcal. 

Uriel Cortez:
…This is your one warning, Trutt. Correct me and I’m sending YOU home with some marks on your back. 

Trutt gulps his water fast. 

Chris Trutt:
Uh… noted. 

He takes a second and goes back to his next question just as plates of food arrive. Fajitas for Titaness and Brooklynn, pollo en mole for Cortez. 

Uriel Cortez:
Looks great, thank you! 

Trutt gets quesadillas and… two extra plates of chips and salsa for Killjoy, who continues to stare down anyone who gets within arm’s reach. 

Uriel Cortez:
Killer? Drink? You gotta wash down that salt, kid. 

Killjoy puts up a hand and shakes his head. He goes back to his chips while Trutt looks at the table. 

Chris Trutt:
Well… I guess what’s next for the Familia?

Uriel looks up. 

Uriel Cortez:
I already said it on social media, but I’ll say it here too cause it’s been radio silent from The Lads. We took Butcher Victorious out. We took The Lads out. So if you air this on DEFonDemand and spread the word… Me and Killer want to finish the job at DEFIANCE Road. I wasn’t kidding when I said I want the spot that Dex is just waiting for someone else to come along and take. And I’m going to give them until DEFIANCE’s Year End Awards Show to respond. 

He reaches across the table and locks a hand with Killjoy. 

Uriel Cortez:
We’re the two biggest, baddest bastards DEFIANCE has ever seen and I promise you that we’re gonna show EVERYONE that. People thought Joy and Purcell coming together was dangerous for everyone’s health… wrong. That’s US. 

Killjoy stoically nods again. 

Uriel Cortez:
And that brings me to my next thing… I mentioned on the defcom that Brooklynn… I got you a match for your debut in The Sphere. One of the biggest debuts of all time… 

He smiles and then looks at Titaness. 

Uriel Cortez:
But it wasn’t JUST for Brooklynn. T… I love you with everything. So I reached out and told brass that BOTH of you wanted a tag team match. And you both got it. You’ll BOTH get that sweet Sphere payday. 

Titaness’ eyes go wide. 

You gotta be shitting me. For real? 

Uriel Cortez:
Shit you not, T. Happy belated two-year Anniversary. 

The parental figures of the Familia both share a kiss. Brooklynn Rivera throws an elbow in the air. 

Broolynn Rivera:
YESSSSS! Elbows and Bows reunited! 

Can’t wait! Someone gonna dieeeee! 

The girls each have their third shots before they start on their food. 

Uriel Cortez:
And as you can see, Chris… The Familia is complete now. My girls got themselves a HUGE opportunity coming their way and I’m gonna be on commentary calling the action with Warner and Keebler just to make sure those assholes call the occasion right. Nothing’s ruining this. 

Chris Trutt:
Well, best of luck to the both of you out th…


Chris Trutt looks across from the table. 

Chris Trutt:
…Er, yeah? 

Did you… you just wish US luck? 

She turns to Rivera.

You heard this scrawny little bastard, right? 

Brooklynn’s eyes don’t leave Trutt’s whitening face. 

Brooklynn Rivera: [leering]
Yeah… I did. 

Finally, Uriel leans forward. 

Uriel Cortez:
Can’t let that slide… you offend my wife, you offend Mi Familia and you offend ME. 

Uriel points a finger at the door. 

Uriel Cortez:
The scoops are done. Get the hell out. 

Trutt looks worried for his safety and starts to scoot his chair back. Killjoy puts down his chips and also inches forward. 

Chris Trutt:
But… my quesadillas…

Uriel Cortez:

Trutt JUMPS from his chair and runs out of the private room as fast as possible! After they’re sure he’s lone gone, Titaness shakes her head. 

Thanks, babe, I’ve been eyeing those quesadillas. 

She scoots the plate over. 

Brooklynn Rivera:
Yo, hook me up. 

Titaness scoots the plate towards the middle of the table and the two begin sharing. Rivera looks over at Killjoy’s chips. 

Brooklynn Rivera:
Bro-bro, can I…? 

He scoots the chip bowl closer to himself. 


More Propaganda | View Uriel Cortez's Biography



"What has you craving The D?"

- The D




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