Title: Lucked In
Featuring: Lucky Seven
Date: May 21, 2012
Location: New Jersey


Young woman sits along the edge of a WISHING WELL, arms wrapped around her knees, with the left side of her face to the camera. Her hair is platinum blonde, and she is wearing ripped navy blue jeans with a white low-cut tank top. This is LAURIE SNOW]
“When I was a girl, my life was boring. Don’t remember much of it, really. Forgot who my first kiss was, what I got for Christmas, my 10th birthday, and even my parents’ names. Odd! What I do know is that I was the type who’d bring her Barbie doll to a show ‘n tell. That’s Laurie Snow, a big YAWN!”
“But I can tell you all about her – LUCKY SEVEN. My best friend. The girl who could climb trees, fall, and never break a bone. The girl who dodged rocks. The girl who always won.”
“You want to know about Lucky Seven? Well I’m the authority. There isn’t a detail I’ve missed in all the years I have known her, and I’ve known her my whole life. She always wanted to be a pro-wrestler, from the time she saw it on television. Always wanted to mix it up with the guys, despite her whole family warning against it.”
“I bet you DEFIANCE boys and girls would love to know a thing or two about what makes her tick. Ya know, so you can disassemble her! Well I can’t help you with that, because frankly, I’ve never seen it happen! And I really, really don’t know if it can be done.”
“But if you’re looking to game plan, can I be real, real honest? Never leave a thing to chance. Chance follows her around like a lovestruck puppy dog. Don’t appeal to fortune, either. They say fortune favors the bold, and well, imagine that she is the first and only child of fortune. She is favored – she is bold. They forgot to hit Shift+B a second time when they made her.”
(She takes a golden coin from her pocket)
“Here’s wishing upon a wish.”
(Flips coin into the water. ‘Dunk’ sound is made)
“An empty hope, cast in vain for the rest of you. Fortune is a God we can all believe in. Go ahead and try your credit with her, but there’s only one check she routinely cashes, and the name printed on top is Lucky Seven.”
(Playfully puts finger to lips and looks up)
“Hmm, in that case, maybe I’m better off saving my coin for a rainy day. It’s worth more in my pocket than at the bottom of a well on a pity wish for the rest of you.”
(Leans over and sinks her wrist in the water, scouring for her coin)
“Shoot! I can never tell mine apart. All these empty wishes look the same…”
(Turns her back to the camera, puts both feet into the water, and continues to search for the right coin. She begins to prop up, slowly, rolling her shoulders and then her neck before a crack is heard. The girl turns to her right side, revealing BLACK HAIR and a SLEEVE TATTOO on her right arm. She shows a gold coin to the camera)
“Heads, I tell you what a lame bunch of entitled, talentless shitheads the Heritage league is. Tails, this promo ends.”
(Flips the coin onto her backhand. Looks at it, smiles, holds it up)
I win! Wanna go again? Of course you don’t.”
(Tosses coin nonchalantly into the water)
“Just like these coins, you’re all below the surface on a fool’s errand. Sent by hope, washed in prayer, languishing as you await the judgment of fate. Well…”
(Turns to face the camera center. The girl’s hairline is divided by blonde and black, and she leans over, fist in hand)
“Surprise! Here I am! In person, flesh and blood, the genuine article, THE REAL MCCOY. And I’m here with a message from Lady Luck herself.”
(Leans forward, hand at the side of her mouth like she’s telling a secret)
You’re all out.
(Nods up and down enthusiastically)
“Oh it’s true! The fix is in like gin. Like whiskey to your liver. My name is LUCKY SEVEN, and my penchant for fortunate circumstance will drive you insane. I don’t raise, raise, raise, I go all in, yes sir I’m all in, yes ma’am I’m ALLLL in, whaddya got, turn ‘em over, SHOW ME! Hmm, nothing? BAM, I win! So easy you’d think I FAKED IT but I didn’t. Fuck you very much.”
(Very delicately pushes her blonde hair back)
“I wasn’t groomed for high society. Laurie can tell you that. Don’t really know much about discretion. I mean I’m pretty tactless! Kinda I heard the same about all the rest of you, so I’m just gonna say my peace, RAM IT HOME, and forgive me for not spitting on it first.”
“My style is fluid and deadly, like HIV. You can temper it but you can never really beat it. I have hands quick enough to work the scalpels that cut Cancer. My legs will put doubt in Clara St. Sure, and kick midnight into Light. I could even cut a Diamond, or butcher Cassidy, slo a Jian Gin and starve a Vagabond out. My luck is so good you would call it magic! Now you see it, now you don’t. Watch as the Luckiest of the Lucky Seven downgrades and degrades a Frank Dylan into a Dewey, and a Dewey into a Dubov. C’est la vie to Liberte, and adieux and farewell. Your luck is OUT. Your pockets have been cut! Sonic’s got no rings! Mario’s lost his coins! Think you can make it to the end on one life? WELL?”
(Shakes her finger back and forth, clicks her tongue)
“Not when Player 2 is me, ya suck-ass losers. I will personally cave your heads in, over and over, until the message is gotten. Until my pretty little ass is left standing. I’m about to do a serious before and after with DEFIANCE Wrestling!”
(Extends right arm)
“Before Seven.”
(Extends left arm)
“After Seven.”
(Folds hands together and cracks her fingers)
“Now how’s your show look?” (smiles)

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- Eugene Dewey




1. Malak Garland
2. Ned Reform
3. Tyler Fuse
4. Corvo Alpha
5. Brock Newbludd


2. Los Tres Titanes
3. Lucky Sevens
4. PCP
5. RCR


1. Kazuhiro Troy
2. Nick Lotto Otto
3. Punch Drunk Purcell
4. Archer Silver
5. BIGBOSS Batts