Title: I Hate Bono, But Trust Me, This Title Will Payoff... Maybe
Featuring: Eugene Dewey
Date: 05/30/12
Location: Buffalo, Wyoming

“Ok, so that’s bras, boobs, vaginas, make up, asses, the pertness of any ass or any boobs, any kind of panties, hair extensions, periods and, by extension, tampons that we can’t talk about this week.” Said Wayne as he ran down his sheet of paper, placing his pen next to each item as he read it out.

Eugene on the other hand rolled his eyes, an action that went unmissed by his brother who was completely focused on the list in front of him.

“Which leaves us with very little we can say about Nakita Dubov aside from the fact that she’s been around a decade and sucked all that time...” Wayne said tapping the pen against his temple before starting to chew on the end of it, “We can’t even make a joke about what she’s sucked, because it wouldn’t be funny, so sayeth Kai Scott”

“Why do we have to make jokes?” Asked Eugene sounding more than a little exasperated.

“What?” Wayne responded not having heard his brother after being deep in contemplation.

“Why do we have to make jokes?” Euegen repeated, “Why can’t we just do what everyone else does and straight up tell everyone how we’re going to kick their asses? Why do we have to go through this whole rigmarole of being clever and making jokes each week?”

Wayne’s snorted, “Rigmarole? Where did you...?” he stammered struggling to think of where Eugene could have heard such a word, “It’s so you stand out. Do you want to be like everyone else in Defiance saying the same thing week after week?”

Wayne took a deep breath.

“Oh, I’m good, you’re not. I’m going to kick your teeth down your throat.” He said in a mockingly deep, moronic voice, “Boring!”

“But if we put as much effort as we put into these promotional pieces into the match... you know, the part that actually matters...” Said Eugene, “I could be the one leading the league.”

“Nah, you’re good Euge, Wayne scoffed, “You just hit an ice patch against St. Sure.”

“And against JGX, and in the TLC...” Eugene added on his brother’s behalf.

“What’s that?” Wayne questioned despite hearing it loud and clear, he was almost challenging his brother to repeat himself.

“You heard.” Said Eugene defiantly, “St. Sure wasn’t an ice patch, she was a wall. And not just some garden wall you can step over, she was more like the goddamn Berlin wall, with snipers and all that crap. She had me hurting in ways I haven’t hurt since high school, and now you’re leading me right into the same trap against DuBov.”

“What trap?” a slightly confused Wayne Dewey asked.

“The one where you tell me not to worry, go ahead and play Diablo 3, everything will be fine, then I turn up at Heritage six and it’s deja vu as Nakita DuBov goes all flippy-doo and makes me tap out.” Answered Eugene

“Look du-” Said Wayne, but he was cut off by Eugene raising a hand and speaking over him.

“Defiance isn’t a WoW battleground anymore, it’s an arena.” Eugene continued, “I’m on my own out there now, no backup, no assistance, no team... It’s just me against the next competitor until the end. And I can’t help but think that if I keep trying to get by solely on your advice... that end’s going to come a lot sooner than either of us would hope.”

“So what? After all I’ve done for you, that’s it!? You’re going to trade me like some Pokemon card!?” Shouted Wayne, who had started to turn red with anger.

“No, I’m not saying that.” Eugene said keeping much calmer than his brother, “I do need your help, Wayne, I can’t do this alone. But it’s starting to become clear now, I need more help than you alone can offer.”

That explanation didn’t placate Wayne in the way Eugene had hoped.

“Well then, clearly you’ve learned everything there is to learn from me, I guess I’m not needed.” He fumed as he haphazardly gathered up his papers by scraping them together and stood up from his chair, “I guess you won’t be needing me at the next show.”

“No, Wayne, listen to me.” Eugene pleaded, “You’re not listening to me. I do need you.”

“You just need someone else more!” Wayne shouted as he headed for the basement stairs, “Well good luck with that. And good luck with Nakita DuBov, because without me you’re going to need all the luck you can get! Consider us not talking until you come to your senses!”

And with that Wayne stomped up the stairs slamming the door behind him.

“Yeah, we’ll see!” Eugene shouted after hearing the door slam, “I’m gonna... I’m gonna... I’m gonna kick her finely toned ass!”

“With or without you.”

More Propaganda | View Eugene Dewey's Biography



"AH! HA! HA!"

- Count Novick




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