Title: Back On The Grid
Featuring: Eugene Dewey
Date: 02/06/13
Location: Mechanicville

Running his finger along the healing yet still visible cut on his head, Eugene Dewey sighed. This was the first time he’d been seen since the events of TV33, but he still looked like he’d just rolled out of the ring. His hair was messy... well messier than usual, his clothes looked like he’d been wearing them for 10 days straight, and he’d been wiping Cheeto dust on his shirt almost constantly.

But the most striking thing about Dewey appearance was the solemn look upon his face.

He didn’t smile, he didn’t frown, he didn’t look determined. He simply laid in his bunk at Mechanicville, his laptop rested on his ample stomach with it’s webcam pointed to his exhausted face. He looked just too tired to show any emotion.

“So uhhh, yeah, I kinda went off grid for a few days.” Eugene said slowly as he rubbed his chin, scraping the few hard bristles that had managed to sprout over the last week, , “I just figured I needed some time... you know... ‘me time’.”

Any other day that would warrant a masturbation related snigger, but not today. Not when he was feeling like he was.

“This wrestling thing...” Eugene continued, “It might have come naturally to me, but it’s not easy, not by any stretch of the imagination.”

“I’m not an athlete... In fact I’m not even a mathlete...” Eugene conceded, “So when Jeff Andrews announced to the world he’d defend his title against me, I was taken aback.”

“There’s plenty of people out there that wanna tell me I don’t have what it takes to be World Champion, that I didn’t stand a chance against Jeff Andrews, that I didn’t deserve the shot at the world title...” Eugene said, “I’d like to think I proved them wrong.”

“I had Jeff Andrews rattled.” Eugene said assuredly as he pinched the air with his thumb and forefinger,, “That Shoryuken had me this close to the World Title... I don’t know how Andrews kicked out, but he did.”

“And that’s when Jeff did what Jeff does best.” Eugene added, “He caused me to incapacitate Benny Doyle and went for the old faithful.”

“I’ve seen the match, you’ve all seen the match... you don’t need me to tell you what happens.” Eugene said shaking his head, “I haven’t spoken to Christian yet, but I can see, just as well as all of you, that what happened was an accident.”

“And even if Christian hadn’t been there I’d have probably had my clock cleaned anyway.” Eugene admitted. “But I’ll never, ever, say that Jeff Andrews was the better man that night.”

“He may have had his hand raised and walked out the Defiance World Champion, but there’s no way he’d have done that if he was playing fair.”  He said shaking his head, “And that’s what I’m going to use as motivation when I’m stood across the ring from The Untouchables on Sunday.”

“Because at TV34 I’ve got another chance to get my hands on Jeff Andrews, and believe me, when I get a hold of him I’m never gonna let him go.” Dewey said as he balled up his fists, “And if Heidi Christenson, Kai Scott or Ronnie Long want to stand in my way, well, maybe I’ve got another cannonball in me.”

He couldn’t help but smile for the first time over that. Before coming to Mechanicville the highest risk move he’s ever attempted was a back flop from the top rope. He paused for a second and the smile faded.

“You know what hurt most at TV33?” Dewey asked making it clear just why that smile had vanished as quickly as it had appeared.

“It wasn’t this...” He said, pointing to the gash on his forehead before holding a hand on his chest, “It wasn’t these.”

“And it wasn’t losing my very first opportunity to wear the Defiance World Title.” He hastily added. “It was checking Twitter the next day to see Jeff Andrews gloating about his ill gotten win.”

“And it’s that reason that I’m going to personally ensure that Jeff Andrews’ first tweet after TV34 is nothing more than the number of lights on the roof of the BankAtlantic Center.” “Let’s see how many retweets that gets you, champ.”

“Sorry, hashtag paper champ.”

More Propaganda | View Eugene Dewey's Biography



"This company runs on the chaos I create. Without me the engine starts seizing up. I'm the beating HEART of DEFIANCE. Only way you lot are going to be rid of me is if you put me in the bloody GROUND."

- Bronson Box




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