Title: Puppet on a String
Featuring: Curtis Penn
Date: 2/22/13
Location: Promo Booth


[Backdrop: a black fist centered on painted red wall. Standing in the center of the wrist is none other than Curtis Penn, looking irritated as a motherfucker.]

I’m not standing here to  address Sam or Sawyer, those two are pretty good fellas. Tee and I, we’ve stuck our necks out there for Sawyer a time or two and I’ll do it again if it ever needs to be done.

[Drawn tight lips and a furrowed brow characterize Curtis Penn.]

Instead I’m going to direct what I have to say towards the one person who seems to know jack shit about me. Justin Voss, hello, nice to fucking meet ya. I’m Curtis Penn and I’ve done just a lil’ more than what you think that I’ve done. I’ve been around for just a wee bit longer than you might suspect for an up and comer in Defiance.

[Curtis isn’t a small fella, but standing at 6’2 he still has small man’s syndrome.]

I could come out and say that you look like you’d be a good up and comer yourself. I could stand back and disrespect the amount of work that you’ve put into this sport. Hell I could tell you that I’m going to walk up to you in the ring, stand toe to toe and slap you in the mouth for belittling me.

[He pauses for just a moment, long enough to think about retracting his last statement.]

I’ve been taught differently than you I’d suppose, in that when I’m placed in a match that I don’t know my opponent I take a moment and at least look at their dossier. I want to know the type of man that I’m fighting, his beginnings, and just where in the fuck he thinks that he can dismount his high horse and talk to me like I’m a fucking rookie.

[He turns his neck side to side, releasing the tension in his neck with a snap, crackle, and pop.]

True, you’re new here. You’re pretty good in the ring. And…this is the most important part, you dislike Jeff Andrews. And all of those are positives, but two of those three just saved you. You can pick which ones those were.  I can give you a hint it wasn’t your three pointer.

I didn’t come to Defiance to start an all-out war against Jeff Andrews, I was here when Dane and Jeff were slapping each other’s ass and fist bumpin’, and in fact the only reason that I ever joined Defiance was to get my hands on another chicken shit coward that ran off after Dane got dethroned. Actually, Jeff didn’t do a damned thing to me.

If anything I don’t have a reason to be pissed off about Jeff’s take over. Doesn’t mean I like the guy, but he’s keepin’ food on the table.

[His face is trying to do something that it normally does not do, which is smile. His lips take it slow so that his face doesn’t rip during the attempt.]

[And fail. He goes back to scowling.]

If he is doing me any disservice it’s keeping Heidi far from my reach, which might be what I need in order to refocus here in Defiance.

 There are the trios belts, which I have a lil desire for, but will go after because my friend has already spent a lot of time trying to train my two partners. There is the Fist that I will go after when the opportunity presents itself.  And of course the pleasures of just kicking people’s teeth down their throats.   

[And switching gears.]

Justin, I fight for the fun, fuck the titles. I fight because I like knowing that I can take a bigger man and bend his body in just about any way I can imagine. Those titles I mentioned about three seconds ago just means that on that day, the day I do get the opportunity for them I broke the wearer of said belts… not for the title or the gold it was just because I could. Justin Voss, come on down to Def TV 35 in Orlando, Florida, you and I can see just who is going to break who’s ankles.

You inciting me was just what Jeff wanted to happen. He knew your ego and your dislike for him would lead you into pissing me off. He knew me well enough to know that I wouldn’t let your slight go. He knows now that you’re not defiant… you’re a fucking puppet on a string.

I’m Curtis Penn a former member of the CHIMERA Fight Team, former WfWA World Tag Team Champion, and One-Third of the team that is going to whoop your ass. 

Mr. Voss, it was nice to meet you.

[Fade to black.]

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"Don't mind my partner. He woke up on the wrong side of sanity this morning... would you care for a mint?"

- MP1




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