Title: White Trash Paradise ll
Featuring: Chance Von Crank
Date: 2/23/2013
Location: Harlan, KY

Show the world what you’re made of, stop being a pussy.”

Chance hears the voice of his new manager as he lays flat on his stomach crawling through a very old coal mine shaft. No standing in this mine, old school.

“It could cave in on you at anytime. It would all be over. Everything you worked for and the name you created for yourself all gone.”

Chance keeps crawling toward the small light and towards Downtown’s voice. He slide bottom end first all the way down the mine for this grueling climb to get out.

cVc:  If it does cave in I want you to know I will be haunting a certain motherfucker.

Downtown: Well haunting Frank Dylan James is not going to get him beat in that ring, is it Chance? You think all this training is for nothing? You’ve won two fucking matches here and now you’re the man? I think not. You have no one but two big matches on the next two cards. So get your ass to climbing!

Chance keeps climbing using every bit of his strength to conquer the small hole. “That’s what she said”, he thinks to himself as he continues on. Finally he reaches the top using the rope to pull himself up  and crawl when rocks in the small confined space will allow it. Finally he the hole and Downtown cuts the rope. Chance slides all the way back down deep into the hole.


Downtown: What? You never have gotten to the top and the floor fall out from underneath you? That’s never happened to you before? That’s fucking precious.

Chance snarls at Downtown’s use of his own words against him. He starts to crawl back up the steady incline of the mine shaft without the rope now.

cVc: I see what you are doing motherfucker. I was handed nothing in this business, shithead. I will make it back up there and if I was you I wouldn’t fucking be within choking distance.

Chance continues to crawl talking shit every small steady step of the way. He begins to realize exactly what he is being taught here and realizes this is just what he needed.

cVc: I get it, Downtown Steve Sin. I have done nothing my whole life but fight. I started my career on a trampoline in some assholes backyard.

Downtown: That has nothing to do with any of this. That backyard shit you learned when you first started will not help you here. This is a legitimate wrestling company looking for real talent and you hired me because you knew you needed me. I cut this rope because it symbolizes everything in this business you fail to acknowledge. With every bit of success comes failure as well, its called life. You don’t handle failure very well Chance and we are going to fix that shit quick. Frank Dylan James has the ability to beat you as does Dragon Jones. I don’t know if you have a fucking calendar or that dope is that good, but times ticking.

Chance continues to climb and is getting closer to the hole to get out.

cVc:  I’m not afraid of either of those men. If you even want to go as far to even call them men. It takes more than a pretty face and fucked disposition to make it at what we do. I carry the burden of knowing I am one of the most hated men in all of wrestling. I say burden, but is it really? Most would call it a burden when really it’s a true fucking blessing. I know exactly what I am capable of and your underestimation of who your training is astonishing.

Chance continues to crawl as the hole becomes larger the closer he gets to it.

Downtown: There is a point to all of this and you won’t even truly realize what it is until your halfway through your next match. I do not underestimate you Chance, but I am not blind to what these two men and the rest coming are capable of either. This is the big time. You’re not the only one who’s great.

cVc: Horse shit, I am sure fucking close to it. There is a very short list of people I respect in all of Defiance and at the top of that list is Chance Von Crank. Watch your fucking mouth because I’m almost out. You just wait till I can get hands on you. I’ll show you what that faggot FDJ will have to endure.

Chance reaches the top and as he sticks his head out Downtown has a bobcat on a leash jump up on the hole to greet Chance. He see’s the cat and falls back down the hole.


To Be Continued 

More Propaganda | View Chance Von Crank's Biography



"That’s like, one hundred and forty-one and two thirds awesome. But then you take that amount of awesome and divide it by three, for the three of us, and then multiply it by the circumference of my penis, 3.4139482 while eating an apple pie, divided again by a negative number for our negative feelings toward those scum, and invert it to make the world right again, and it becomes the exact right amount of awesomeness we are. And then you take your amount of awesomeness, which is probably eighty four, two percent less than us, and add that to our awesome and you get a lot of awesome. Like. A lot."

- The D




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