Title: White Trash Paradise lll
Featuring: Chance Von Crank
Date: 2/23/2013
Location: Harlan, KY

White Trash Paradise lll


Chance stands in his trailer looking in a tall mirror. He slips on a fake gold rolex. He shines his huge gold, “cVc” belt buckle up. Chance then slips on his gold chain and then his suit jacket. Daytona, FL is his next destination. Chance splashes water from the sink into his face. Pain shoots across his face as he rubs one of his many scratches attained this week through Downtown’s training regimen. Downtown walks in behind Chance.

Downtown: I don’t see why you have to be in Daytona by tomorrow morning. You have to be in Duluth, Georgia asap.

cVc: Listen I have took your abuse since I hired you and I will admit I feel like I could go through a brick wall, no problem. You’re going to have to trust me here, cockstain.  We have to goto Daytona because I have to make some payments to baby mama’s or goto jail. You understand queer?

Downtown: I will follow your lead here. We have to at the very least be headed back toward Georgia by Sunday night.

cVc: Don’t worry about Georgia, because I am not. Frank Dylan James can lick my nut sack. This cocksucker thinks he can go one on one with the Trailer Park Prodigy? Ha, he’s as fluid in the ring as cum stuck in a whore’s hair. He looks like one of those motherfuckers from the Hill have eyes, there is a difference between being a redneck and just a fucked up looking monster. This motherfucker comes from a long line of cousin fuckers and that’s how 3 first names came about. I’m about to fucking break this one trick pony.

Downtown laughs at Chance’s comments.

cVc: It’s not funny asshole. West Virginia is where they made the movie Wrong turn, for real. Fucked up hillbillies coming out the woods killing motherfuckers left and right. That’s what has happened to this Vagina Drier Upper motherfucker we are talking about. He’s seen that movie and watched Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia until he thinks can hang with TPP, buying his own hype?. Too bad I can’t expose this fraud of a professional wrestler in his home fucking town. Too bad West Virginia’s biggest venue is a empty water tank at the end of the holler. Fuck this motherfucker and all his bullshit. Mountain Knee Drop or whatever the fuck it’s called is a insult to real deal motherfuckers like Chance Von Crank. Not tooting my own horn or sucking my own cock, facts are facts.

Downtown: You should never underestimate any of your opponents. They will hurt you here if you do not watch what you are doing.

cVc: Hurt me? You have to be shitting me right? You think this asshole even knows how to wrestle? Just because some queer grows a beard, wears overalls, and calls himself a redneck badass means Dick to me. When he is between those ropes and he has to stare down the Shock-N-Rolla in those lights he will figure out quickly how outmatched he really is. In my league? I hype me, no one else.

Chance still looking in the mirror slicking his mullet back, suddenly grabs a hold of Downtown Steve Sin. Chance in one swift motion shoves his head into a near by toilet.

cVc: DO YOU FEEL THAT, DOWNTOWN!?! That rush of excitement from the adrenaline rushing to your brain from the fear of drowning that has taken over you. You flap about even though with our size difference you are going no where.

Chance flushes the toilet and Downtown starts taking heavy breaths after the water drains out. He watches as it slowly begins to fill up again as Chance continues to hold him down.

cVc: I have all the momentum going into both of these matches. FDJ is a veteran of the locker room even if it doesn’t show in the ring. He knows this works and he knows what I am after. I will put him down just like the two before him and the next 20 after him. I have no patience for weakness or sympathy for the mentally fucking retarded. Like this motherfucker is, that’s exactly what I take away from this butthole enthusiast.

Chance releases his hold on Downtown. He snatches his bags out of his bedroom. Chance leaves Downtown panting attempting to catch his breath. Chance loads the caddy outside his trailer with his bags. He is ready to head for Daytona for what he has assured is a big pay day. Downtown runs into Chance on his way towards the door.

cVc: My frustration is growing and I can’t wait to show you what I have really got in the ring. Let’s goto Daytona.

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"I got a statistical and analytical expert. He crunches numbers like W.A.R. and on-mat percentages. I have a Game Boy, he’s a blast. Filled with personality! I even have my own MEE6 BOT! !RANK !RANK !RANK bahahaha dude, I’m awesome."

- Conor Fuse




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