Title: Ambitious Motives: Remix
Featuring: Chance Von Crank
Date: 3/7/13
Location: Knee Deep In Pussy

cVc: You know life is funny how shit works out. One minute you’re on top of the world and the next you’re looking down the barrel of a loaded gun hoping for the slightest flinch to paint the ceiling with your ideas in blood.  

Chance continues on as he sits in front of a camera still coming into focus. A sucking noise can be heard as he is still coming into focus. Full focus reveals Chance sitting on a couch leaned back relaxed. A woman is kneeling before him giving him oral sex. The camera is set up behind her completely hiding her actual act.

cVc: Yeah this skank ho is blowing me, deal with it. I am pressed for time and I had to decide cut a promo or let this junky blow me. What can I say? I love to multi-task. What a day it has been for one, Trailer Park Prodigy. Easy with them teeth, Whore!

She apologizes for her mistake and then takes a top and bottom set of false teeth out of her mouth and sits them on a near by coffee table. She goes right back to work as Chance’s stare never leaves the camera.

cVc: Damn that’s hot, Whore! Love a bitch who aims to please. Dragon Jones… What about you and that fiesty mouth you have on you. You will realize very quickly I am no normal foe. Over and over the same shit came out of your mouth. I watched it on youtube and thought it was on repeat but I was wrong. You’re repetitive rambling may frighten these shitheads I been going through left and right but not the Trailer Park Prodigy. I have more momentum right now than I have had in some time and even you can acknowledge that. I want to break your jaw and make sure to break it fucking good. So they wire your shit back together for good measure. That measure being to give us all a break from that horse shit you call a craft.

Chance grabs the back of the blondes head and pushes her down then releases and down again.

cVc: You are afraid of heights? No that’s my bad, just something else in this business you can’t do. What can you do? Do you have anything to offer Defiance? I’m sure you think so. It’s an overblown fantasy that you have created in your mind and that is no way to live your life, Dragon. Tough guy name, gotta love it. Giving me nicknames? That’s fucking precious. I cannot wait to see that look in your eyes when you realize to yourself in that ring you got too big for your fucking britches and no one can save you then. Talk about outmatched in every fucking category that matters.

Chance grabs the back of the woman’s head again all the time smiling for the camera. He pulls her hair a bit too hard and her wig comes completely off. He just tosses it aside.

cVc: Your really a nearly bald redhead, eh? Nice I want to see if the carpet matches the drapes but I keep blowing me. I’m making magic for the tv right now and you apart of it, whore. Rejoice in the fact that from now own you can tell everyone you had the cock of the Trailer Park Prodigy in your mouth and he let you keep it there until he was done. Finally something happened in your pathetic existence that will warrant a reason to keep living. See I help people, Jones. I have made this bitches life count for something and what have you done, ever? Not a fucking thing that impresses the man before you now. I want you to know that I welcome your so called, “Near Sightness” in that ring. I want you to bring the fury of that with you as you put on your big boy pants and stumble towards the ring. It is illegal in all 50 states what I have planned for “our” night. I maybe even could do for you in a way what I have done for this whore here with nothing to leave. Beat it the fuck up and leave it for dead. By “it”, Yes I do mean her pussy which I’m sure looks like ground beef at this point in her life.

Chance backhands the woman while she is still giving him oral sex. He laughs as she falls to the floor in front of him holding her jaw. He gives her a stern look as she crawls back to her knees and continues on.

cVc: I honestly think that you think this is a joke, Jones. That is why I wanted to make the world this half promo, half sex tape honestly. I wanted you to see what a man who really doesn’t give a fuck looks like. I have no choice now after the comments you made but to make you my first real example of what is to come. I want to leave you in a pile in the middle of that ring or just wherever the fuck I decide to stop whipping that fucking ass. You acted as if this was my biggest match or some shit? Who the fuck are you to say you are anyone’s biggest match? You’re a nobody from who gives a fuck going fucking no where and it is time you learned that. Class will begin on Defiance TV 35, and we open the fucking card so you won’t have to wait very long to know your fate. Could this be the end of your career? How bad have you fucked up, Really? We are almost down to hours before you find out just what the fuck you have done.

Chance orgasm’s in the woman’s mouth with no warning. After he is spent, he reaches on the table for a ziplock bag and tells her to spit his semen into it. She does so and he hands her mouth wash.

cVc: Have to always keep my cum, bitches like you would love a paycheck for the next 18 years.


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"I cast a real wide net when it comes to me and mine. It's not about blood, and it's not about lineage. I look out for who I look out for, I run with who I run with, and *I keep an eye on them all.* And those who wanna pull some fuck shit don't tend to make it far without somethin' comin' back to 'em three-fold."

- Lindsay Troy




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