Title: What Ever Happened, Return of the Jedi
Featuring: Dan Ryan
Date: April 30, 2013
Location: New Orleans, Louisiana

Present Day -- 

"I.... UNDERSTAND.... Bronson...." 

Dan Ryan is sitting at a large mahogany desk, twirling a sharpened pencil through his fingers, from one end to the other and back again absent-mindedly, though he glares directly into the camera. 

"I've lived it, been there.... I know how it feels to be a man slighted, ready to take up arms for the noble cause of disrespect directed at his home. I know what it's like, and I know on a grand scale." 

"I've taken on the mighty Goliath with much less than two rocks and a sling to work with. I've fearlessly walked right up to him and spit on the sacred temple of everything he holds dear." 

"I've lived it.... Bronson." 

"And so, I already know." 

"I already know where you're coming from and what you want. You've managed to create in your mind a world where I have disrespected DEFIANCE and everything it stands for by daring to be good enough to be the FIST, while you remain the most feared man in the company, the real FIST.... or so you say...." 

"But I have absolutely nothing to say to you that involves capitulation or submission. I do not recognize your place above me, and I do not buy that I cannot hope to out-fight you. I've been through the ringer, and you may not recognize it, but that makes it no less true. I've destroyed lives happily, and that's something you can relate to, so I think maybe it's time you start considering what it may truly take to take me where you want me to go." 

"You think it's so easy." 

"I've had a target on my back for at least a decade... and arguably closer to fifteen years... and yet here I am, mostly healthy, still dishing out punishment. What ground do you think you're breaking by saying what you've said to me? What new threat or insult have you worked up? Do you think that saying it in a louder voice makes it more likely to happen? If so, let me buy you a megaphone, just in case one or two 'boy-os' make it through without the proper effect." 

"The setting you set provides the mystery. The reputation provides the motivation. Who I am.... makes me see nothing but the task ahead of me. You called me your prize. I say, I am sat upon the same mountaintop on which I've sat for many many years now. Come claim it. Come make it your own, Bronson." 

"I know it's what you have to do." 

"Believe me....."


Ryan slowly smiles....


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"With all our history one thing has never changed… I just don’t like you."

- Jay Harvey




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