Title: Serbo's Suggestion
Featuring: Eugene Dewey
Date: 08/02/13
Location: Mechanicville/Eugene's Head

I’ve got my concerns, they’ve been eased slightly, but they’re still bugging me in the back of my mind, so I’m going to try and write them all down. Sergei said that writing down my thoughts and feelings, and reading them back, would help me clear my head. And I know it’s helped Joey, so if this helps him then surely it’s worth a go, right?

I ran into Joey again after the meeting as we were headed back to the barracks and he suggested I break everything up a bit, so that it didn’t seem so overwhelming when reading it all back, so I think I’ll take his advice and make a start with...

The Referee Situation

I’m glad Eric Dane is refereeing the main event.

In fact, I’m relieved.

Eric won’t take any crap from anyone, and I know he wouldn’t walk out on the match like some other guys, so bring it on I say.

Bronson Box

Gut Reaction : Unknown

I’ve stood in that ring three times against Bronson Box, and I’ve beaten him two of those times. The thing is that third match... that was in the quarter finals of the masters of wrestling tournament.

I know I can beat Box, but when it really matters, when there’s something really important on the line... can I do it then?

Box seems to have this ability to really turn it up to eleven when it matters, but I don’t know if this match is important to him. I don’t know if he sees this match the same way I do.

I see this as a chance to prove myself. I see this as a way to show the world that I belong in the main event with guys like Christian, Tom and Cancer... But if I was in Box’s shoes I’d be looking at it as a means of proving I still deserved to be there.

He’s failed to capture the FIST and he’s failed to make it to the Ladder War.

But that doesn’t mean he’s any less dangerous. No, it means the opposite if anything.

I guess I need to prepare for the best Bronson Box possible because, whether he’s blowing hot or cold, I’ll be ready.

Edward White

Gut Reaction: Threat

I’ve faced Edward White before as well.

I’ll admit, it was a while ago and it was during a tag match while he was still part of $$COOL, but I’ve still faced him, and I’ve come out on top.

The thing is, since then, Edward’s eliminated Christian Light from Wargames, he’s made the MoW playoffs, and he’s held the FIST...

And he earned all of those accolades.

He didn’t buy them.

I, like most people, look at White and see a man with deep pockets and an extra large check book, but I know I can’t go into this match thinking White is just some rich man buying up gold on his way to the top.

Because he’s not.

In fact, I’d say he’s the biggest threat in this match.

Well, the biggest threat that isn’t stood in my corner that is.

Kai Scott

Gut Reaction: Mystery

I’ve stood across the ring from Kai before, but I’ve not faced him, I faced The Untouchables. Kai Scott and three of his closest friends in the world.

A tight knit group.

The dictionary definition of ‘team’.

But they are a far cry from the team we’ll be against at 39.

Box, White, CVC, Stratton, they’re all good, but they’re not as close as Scott, Andrews, Long, and Christenson. Is that a good thing? Is that a bad thing?

Is Kai Scott going to be as determined to make sure his team succeeds as he was when he was with The Untouchables? Is he going to be willing to watch everyone else sink to save himself?

I don’t know if anyone knows the answers to those questions... Not even Scott himself.

Not until he’s in there.

Not until he’s looking down the barrel of the gun.

And I think that’ll be too late.

Chance Von Crank

Gut Reaction: Horrible

I don’t like Chance Von Crank one bit.

I know I’ve never been around him, or had anything to do with him, or even spoken to him... but I simply can’t stand the guy.

He’s rude, he's’ disrespectful, and he’s just a rotten person.

And I mean down to his core.

But I’ve known plenty of rotten people in my life, and it’s never like the movies. They don’t get their comeuppance, and the good guy doesn’t win in the end in real life. It’s no coincidence that Chance Von Crank is the Southern Heritage champion, because he’s willing to do whatever it takes to keep hold of that belt, and he doesn’t care what people think or say about him.

Chance is willing to stoop so low you can barely see him.

I know everyone else will be, but I’m going to have to keep an eye trained on him at all times.

Seth Stratton

Gut Reaction: Cheat

And rounding off the council of assholes...

Seth pinned me in the middle of the ring a couple of shows back, I pinned Dragon Jones last time out. And although he was teamed with Seth... We are not even.

We won’t be even until I beat Seth Stratton in the middle of that ring one, two, three and prove to the world that lying and cheating is no substitute for hard work and determination.

I just hope everyone else on my team knows that Stratton isn’t a pushover.

And I wish I could stop there but, although they’ve been lessened, I’ve got still some concerns about my partners as .

Christian Light

Gut Reaction: Unpredictable

I thought I knew Christian.

But somewhere along the way The Untouchables must have really done a number on him. And I’m not talking physically, I mean mentally.

He looks exactly the same as the guy that hand his hand raised at the end of the Masters of Wrestling final, but underneath that shell...

The man I stood with in The Good Fight is not the same man I was speaking with earlier tonight.

But only time will tell if he’s the same man I looked up to last year.

Dan Ryan

Gut Reaction: Loner

I believe everything Dan said earlier.

I don’t trust him, but I believe him and I really wish Tom would as well.

All I can do is hope that won’t be a problem. Maybe I’ll have to make sure it isn’t.

Cancer Jiles

Gut Reaction: Untrustworthy

And then we come to the champion... Cancer Jiles... The man that pretty much screwed me out of WarGames, almost cost me my job, fooled me for weeks about being my friend when I needed one the most...

And after all of that he’s hailed as the saviour of DEFIANCE after taking the title from Jeff Andrews.

Maybe it’s sour grapes. Maybe it’s the fact that Cancer did what neither Christian nor I could do.

Whatever it is it’s going to take a lot for me to trust Cancer again. But I want to... and I guess that’s a start.

You’d think that’s it, but I’m not done, I’ve still got one more guy to go.

Eugene Dewey

Yeah... me.

I am the only person on this team not to have held a title in DEFIANCE. I’ve come close, but I’ve not actually done it.

I don’t necessarily see myself as the weak link of this team, but I’m sure that everyone standing across that ring from us will do.

That scares me.

But that’s where Tom comes in.

See, I have no concerns when it comes to Tom.

I’d follow that man to the end of this earth and I’m sure he’d do the same for me.

I trust him more than everyone else in this match combined.

And I know any of my slack will be picked up by him.

Because that’s the kind of guy he is.

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"Can you feel it coming, in the air tonight?"

- Sean Jackson




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