Title: Secret Hidden Pirate Treasure Video
Featuring: Henry Keyes
Date: 8/2/2021
Location: A big ol' boat
Henry Keyes:
Hello, YES! Hi! Henry Keyes here. Pirate-man, Bell Clapper, the whole bit. I've heard that there's been rumours ABOUND about who my tag partner will be for Tag Party 3, and that's fantastic! It's fun having a little mystery, yeah? But hey, I've decided to share a little hint with YOU, the super-Faithful who took the time to find this clip.
Keyes looks left and right before leaning in, lowering his voice to just above whisper level.
Henry Keyes:
You've seen my teammate before, and not just on BRAZEN...though you probably didn't know it.
Keyes gives a little wink to the camera before looking to his left and beckoning someone off-screen to follow him. Keyes exits stage right, followed by a short Plague Doctor...