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The House Biography


Derrick Huber
Adam Roebuck


The House are a monster tag team who have been working together on and off for the better part of twelve years. The men first met each other in the year two-thousand (insert Conan O�Brien joke here) wrestling in the Las Vegas area. Huber was working a few different indy feds in his early years while taking bouncer jobs to make ends meet when the work went dry. Adam Roebuck was a monster who had fallen on hard times after his contract with a major wrestling organization was not renewed.

Wrestling on the same show in the only singles match they�ve ever had together, Roebuck wrestled Huber in a match described by many on the indy circuit as �not terrible.� The two came from similar backgrounds and thought they�d make bigger impact as a team and that�s how they came to be.

Roebuck used some wrestling connections he had to take Huber with him and the two spent three years in Japan as a dominant Gaijin tag team. Huber�s skills grew from his stint and Roebuck had found his niche in the team. After their successful tour which saw them rack up six tag team titles and a world title reign for Adam Roebuck, the two took their craft to other parts of the world. They spent time in Mexico wrestling with luchadors, tossing smaller people around for a quick buck. After their stint in Mexico, the two hit their stride in and found a steady home in Canadian regional promotion Toronto Wrestling.

The two monsters had earned three tag team titles there in TW as well as reigns with other singles titles (Roebuck holding the TW Xtreme Title, Huber the TW TV Title and a brief dalliance with TW�s World Championship) and the two dominated the tag scene along with even the singles ranks for some time. Once TW folded, the two took their talents in between parts of the US and Japan.

In 2009, Derrick Huber met his wife, Charlotte during a show where he made some extra cash as a bouncer for a Las Vegas casino; the same show she was performing at. The two quickly fell in love, moved in after two months and got married after four.

She joined the House on the road as their manager and travelled the open roads, fitting into Huber and Roebuck�s traveling lifestyle. She had also picked up tricks of the trade from her husband and eventually started her own in-ring career, blossoming into a well-rounded athlete of in her own right.

In early 2013, jOlt was looking for tag teams and even though Huber and Roebuck had fun competing all over the world they both realized they weren�t getting any younger. If they wanted to make a stab at the big time in the United States, it had to be now.

The two joined up with jOlt and quickly won the tag team titles adding another title to their impressive resume. They added another reign after grueling battles with the likes of Team EGO, the Heirs of Wrestling, and Red and Ted and even main evented a the 2013 Wired PPV with the jOlt Tag Titles on the line for the first time. During that main event, the belts had been stolen by Red and Ted which set Adam Roebuck off on a path of destruction that culminated in Adam Roebuck destroying the loudmouths, subsequently putting them on the shelf. A series of arguments led to Roebuck walking on their contract with jOlt. Derrick Huber followed while Charlotte was put on the shelf by a vengeful Sarah Winterton before a scheduled Starlets Title defense.

After a three-month hiatus, mysterious video packages began to play once more which heralded the arrival of the big monsters and their insanely hot and skilled valet. Away from the limelight, Adam Roebuck and Derrick Huber were able to work out their personal issues and made a vow to come back stronger than ever; A promise fulfilled by adding two more Tag Tilte reigns to their resume, setting a record as jOlt's only team to hold the titles on four separate occasions! Much-talked about battles with teams like The Crimson Order and Cross The Hood have been among the best of their careers.

Both men may be up there in years, but Roebuck and Huber have made a career out of proving that it's a bad idea to bet against The House!
Other Feds
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Other Federation Awards



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