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Tyler Rayne Biography


Real Name
Tyler Rayne  
The Underground Pimp, The Golden Boy, The Hero of the Day  
Baja, California  
May 28, 1970  
6' 1"  
227 lbs.  


Other Feds
Other Fed Titles
PRIME 5-Star Title  
Other Fed Awards
2008 Dual Halo winner (PRIME); 2008 TEAM Tournament of Champions winner  
Tyler Rayne is a man of the people, and after exhaustive scientific research he has concluded people like three things: tits, beer, and violence. So he attempts to give the people those things at every opportunity.

Rayne's goal every show is to be the thing people tweet about tonight and talk about tomorrow. Whether it's a 5-star match or just an unbelievable high spot, a party with the fans in the skybox or convincing some sorority girls to take their tops off, he does what it takes to send the fans home happy and chanting his name.

Rayne really just wants to have a good time, usually at the expense of an unfortunate heel on the roster. He keeps it light, but can get extremely vicious and ruthlessly violent against people who cross the line between business and personal. 
1. Experience- Dude's been wrestling for over twenty years. He has a great ring presence. Always knows where he's at in the ring (which helps with getting out if trouble and throwing in a surprise springboard). He doesn't fall for a lot of tricks. He's not easily distracted. He keeps his focus on his opponent.

2. Balance/Agilty- Rayne is light on his feet and lands on them easily. He's nimble. Not one to get tripped up, slip, or stumble. This sense of balance helps immensely with his high flying. He might also use this skill to pull off an impressive athletic feat to wow the crowd.

3. Creativity- In his endless pursuit to please the crowd, Rayne prides himself on doing something a little different each night he's out there. If the crowd pops for a springboard DDT one week, he's going to do a neckbreaker the next. Or do the DDT off a running jump. Something to keep the crowd and his opponent guessing. This talent for creating new and exciting offense is particularly on display with weapons and matches with lax rules. 
1. Overconfidence- Rayne isn't as fast or as strong as he used to be. But he doesn't like to believe that. He's likely to try some shit he shouldn't. He truly believes he can beat any given wrestler on any given night. Thus, he doesn't prepare for any particular opponent. Stronger, faster, younger opponents will always have an advantage he refuses to acknowledge or be cautious of.

2. Pandering- Rayne's going to take high risk moves to wow the crowd. He's going to stop and pose for their approval. He's going to start chants and drink a beer with the guy in the front row during the match. While not easily distracted by opponents or their cohorts, he will absolutely get distracted by his fans.

3. Left Side- Rayne spent the majority of his early career in that hardcore/extreme scene. He's had the shit beat out of him. His left side, particularly the knee and elbow, have been weakened from the hard fights and long years and could be easily taken advantage of. 


  • Gods take me. I don’t want to live in a world where people don’t know Ocarina of Time. Which is on 3DS now, by the way.
  • On the contrary, I think that went about as well as we could've hoped. Considering we're not all known for our stalwart respect of authority.
  • Did seven dudes just beat the shit out of each other through our gorram interview?



"God might forgive... I sadly do not."

- Bronson Box




1. Malak Garland
2. Ned Reform
3. Tyler Fuse
4. Corvo Alpha
5. Brock Newbludd


2. Los Tres Titanes
3. Lucky Sevens
4. PCP
5. RCR


1. Kazuhiro Troy
2. Nick Lotto Otto
3. Punch Drunk Purcell
4. Archer Silver
5. BIGBOSS Batts