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Mil Vueltas Biography


Real Name
Name is not a matter of public record (Mateo is either a first or middle name, unknown)  
The Man of a Thousand Flips, The Flippiest of Doos, Duke of the Dive, Ruler of the Ropes, Prince of the Plancha, Sultan of the Springboard  
Introduced as "...if you want to know where he's from, just look up!"  
Born in 1997, date unknown  
168 lbs  


Born in Tijuana, Mexico, the young man known only as Minute is the youngest of four sons to the legendary luchador El Rey de Rojo. What is known is that this young boy has been wrestling since the age of nine and due to his size, started out as a mini named Mini El Rey de Rojo. Many looked at the young boy as being the future of lucha libre as he was easily the most talented and dedicated of his brothers. Spectacular matches in 2016 under the moniker of Meteoro Rojo led to many believing he would one day surpass his father.

Until one day in June 2018.

A backstage scandal occurred in which El Rey de Rojo allegedly was caught in an affair with a major wrestling promoter's wife, resulting in the father being blackballed and the Rojo name being tarnished. After another incident occurred between Meteoro Rojo and that same promoter involving fisticuffs, Rojo was soon blackballed as well as his father.

After that moment, the former Rojo decided to take his talents abroad, working out of Puerto Rico, Canada and the US
Eventually, he landed in BRAZEN under the name Minute (pronounced My-newt). After quickly impressing officials only a few months into his stint, he was sent on a six-month learning excursion in Japan to hone his skills for the day he'd be promoted to the main roster.

January 1st, 2020 became that day.

Vowing to make something of himself without his father or family he is now splintered from, Minute has vowed to start anew and make this the first day of the rest of his life.

Diminutive, yet highly-skilled luchador prodigy. Wrestling in American to broaden his skillset. Has signed on with DEFIANCE indefinitely and as of January 2020 following a four-month stint in Japan, he has signed on to become a full-time roster member.

The young man made a huge impact in his first year, scoring a huge win over veteran high flyer Jack Harmen in his debut, becoming a two-time Unified Tag Team Champion as part of the Sky High Titans with Uriel Cortez, then eventually Favoured Saints Champion.

Now starting his solo career for the first time, the young man leveled up to the man you see today...

Mil Vueltas. 
Other Feds
Kings of Lucha Libre, LLM (Lucha Libre Masters), various lucha indy promotions  
Other Fed Titles
KOLL Mega Junior Title, KOLL Openweight Title, KOLL Six-Man Legacy Titles (as a member of La Familia Roja)  
Other Fed Awards
KOLL 2016 One To Watch (as Meteoro Rojo)  
Young luchador prodigy looking for his shot at the big time. Member of Titanes Familia and primarily a tag team specialist for three years before finally embarking on his own. A dynamo of Mysterio-ish levels still in his relative youth. Highly explosive, talented, and fearless (sometimes to his detriment.) As Mil Vueltas, he has a new confidence to himself. Cheeky, flashy and show-offy at times, but now willing to go the extra mile (and jump off something really fucking high) to prove his point. 
1) Speed in spades. One of the fastest wrestlers in DEFIANCE. Agile as all hell and can run the ropes like nobody's business. Also good with kicks so he can hit well.
2) Fan support. He's a naturally likable person and has the fans on his side.
3) Eager to prove himself. He has a chip on his shoulder that he uses as a motivator and stays positive. 
1) As the name implies, he's a smaller guy. Incredibly talented, but small all the same.
2) If you can ground him, you have a good chance at beating him.
3) Now competing with an extra drive after a slight inferiority complex nearly drove his career down a bad path. He's willing to take even more risks and this can potentially be costly to him. 



"Sing us a song, Mr. Scary Man. Sing us a song... tonight!"

- "Black Out" Pat Cassidy




1. Malak Garland
2. Ned Reform
3. Tyler Fuse
4. Corvo Alpha
5. Brock Newbludd


2. Los Tres Titanes
3. Lucky Sevens
4. PCP
5. RCR


1. Kazuhiro Troy
2. Nick Lotto Otto
3. Punch Drunk Purcell
4. Archer Silver
5. BIGBOSS Batts