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Lindsay Troy Biography

Fed Info

Fed Awards
DEFIANCE's Face of the Heels };) / DEFmom; 2022 DEFIANT of the Year, Faction of the Year (Vae Victis); 2021 Ongoing Storyline of the Year Winner (tied w/ Oscar Burns); 2020 Match of the Year Winner w/ Oscar Burns  
Fed Titles
FIST of DEFIANCE x2; DEFIANCE Trios Champion  



Wrestling Info

Entrance Music
Stranger Fruit - Zeal & Ardor; Put 'em in the Grave - Jedi Mind Tricks  
Physical Description
Tall, tan, tantalizing. If you ask the following jackasses they'll also say:

"Amazon Bitch" - Sonny Silver
"Legsay" - Danny Ferguson
"Well, it's been a long-standing assumption that my ass is so hot it sears corneas." - Lindsay Troy

At 6-foot-3-inches tall, if Troy's not standing head and shoulders above you then you won't have to look far to find her. She has hazel eyes, olive-toned skin, and (lately) shoulder-length dyed black curly hair. Her body is toned and muscular, but not overly so like a body builder's would be, and her core is most certainly defined as a cut 6-pack. She wears an ever-present smirk which most will either find attractive or aggravating to the point of wanting to smack it off her because she said or did something they didn't like (which happens frequently).
Ring Attire
Black halter top with a silver and red crown, black MMA shorts with red and silver trim, black kickpads with silver and red crowns and silver and red trim, and black boots with silver and red trim. Black arm tape with stripes of red and silver. Overtop, a long, tight, black leather duster with ghoulish artwork on the back of those she's vanquished; headshots have haunted, dead expressions with mouths agape and coins covering their eyes. 
Wrestling Style
All-Rounder, Submissions specialist, Hitting you until you die  
Finisher Move
Thy Kingdom Come  
Finisher Description
Package Piledriver  
MDK Finisher
The Crowning Glory; Executioner's Song  
MDK Description
Phoenix Flying Tornado DDT (Corkscrew 630* Tornado DDT); Eddie Bravo's "Twister"  
3-5 Signature Moves
- "Queen's Gambit"* - Tony Jaa-esque flying double knee strike (SET-UP MOVE)
- Running backflip DDT (using ropes as a springboard)
- Flying front-flip neckbreaker (on apron, catapulting off the ropes and into the ring)
- Spinning fisherman's suplex
- Rolling kneebar
- Rolling koppu kick
- "All Hail the Queen"* - 360* top rope hurricanrana (Dragon Kid's "Dragonrana")
- "Final Judgment"* - Double underhook front face plant
- "Divine Right"* - Koji clutch
- "Sacer Esto"* - Death Star/Pentagram choke

*Any named move could also finish a match, depending on the opponent 
10 Common Holds/Maneuvers
- Kicks/strikes/punches/elbows/cinches/throws
- Skin-breaking knife-edge and overhand chops
- Front-flip leg drop (standing or running off the ropes)
- Baseball slide flying headscissors (opponent outside the ring)
- Corkscrew plancha
- Cartwheel over the top rope suicide corkscrew senton (Sasuke Special II)
- Cobra clutch legsweep
- Top rope cross armbreaker
- Reverse underhook DDT (or any DDT variation)
- Enziguri/Step-up Enziguri
- Spinning roundhouse heel kick (landing on her feet)
- Reverse hurricanrana
- Roaring elbow
- Apron tiger suplex '85
- Spanish Fly
- Figure four around the ring pole

(A more complete MWA can be found on GDrive. Ask me for sharing permissions.)
Ring Entrances
The DEFplex is plunged into darkness, and screams and shouts of anticipation immediately rise from the crowd. Cell phone cameras and flashlights wink on while fog pours across the stage. The rigging along the DEFIAtron slowly, eerily, lights up, helping to fuel the crowd's anticipation, then...

♫ â€"Put 'Em in the Grave” - Jedi Mind Tricks ♫

The ominous opening chords to â€"Put ‘Em in the Grave” by Jedi Mind Tricks blasts through the DEFplex’s speakers as a raucous ovation from the DEFIANCE Faithful calls for the Queen of the Ring to appear. The fog grows thicker, white-hot spotlights snap to the entrance way, and from underneath the stage a red and white light shines bright, carrying their hero upward. Troy rises to the dais, head bowed, hands clenched, and once the platform locks into place an explosion of light and sound erupts around her.

Darren Quimbey:
[Introducing first / And his/her opponent,] from Tampa, Florida...weighing in at 195 pounds...she is the Queen of the Ring and your High Queen DEFIANT….LINDSAY TROY!

The DEFplex’s lights come back up and Troy whirls on her heel. She marches down to the ring, blowing right past the camera in the aisle, looking focused. Climbing the steps, she wipes her feet on the apron, slips between the ropes, scales the nearest corner to give the Faithful a much deserved photo op, then jumps off to face her opponent. 



"MY ACT of DEFIANCE … I’ll take the head of the SNAKE!"

- "Sub Pop" Scott Douglas




1. Malak Garland
2. Ned Reform
3. Tyler Fuse
4. Corvo Alpha
5. Brock Newbludd


2. Los Tres Titanes
3. Lucky Sevens
4. PCP
5. RCR


1. Kazuhiro Troy
2. Nick Lotto Otto
3. Punch Drunk Purcell
4. Archer Silver
5. BIGBOSS Batts